League of Legends Patch 9.14 tier list – ADC edition
By Josh Tyler
New Additions
After disappearing for a few patches, Yasuo once again graces our bot lane tier list as the only non-marksman on the list. He’s still ranked extremely low in the D tier with an insignificant pick rate, so luckily he’s not running the lane over…yet.
New subtractions
Rising Champions
Vayne (A to A+ tier)
Vayne’s win rate did go up a slight bit in Patch 9.14, from 50% to 50.5%. This was enough to bring Vayne up in a lot of the different sites’ tier lists and thus boosted her to the A+ tier in our ranking.
Jhin (B to B+ tier)
Falling Champions
Miss Fortune (B to C tier)
Miss Fortune‘s win rate hasn’t changed too much from last patch (it’s down about 0.3%), so her drop in this tier list may seem a bit curious. However, for the last few patches MF has been right on the border between tiers, clinging to the B tier. Unfortunately, it seems 9.14 pushed her over the edge to C tier.
Tristana (B+ to B tier)
This is shocking, because Tristana actually got a buff back in Patch 9.13, which resulted in 1.2% win rate increase since. The drop could just be rebalancing (she’s just under the B/B+ border) but it could also be due to another factor. Some of her worst match-ups, like Jinx and Twitch, are among the strongest ADCs in the meta, as well as some of the most-picked.
Kog’Maw (C to D tier)
Left to perpetually shuffleby the wayside, Kog’Maw remains as a below-average pick as he has been for the last nine patches. However, this is the first time he has slid into the D tier. Although he has the third-best win rate among ADCs, he also has one of the worst pick rates in the role.
Buffed champions
Getting the cooldown decreased and root duration increased on his W – Deadly Flourish gave Jhin a nice little shot in the arm, boosting him up to the B+ tier. Since then, his win rate jumped from 49.4% to over 51.5% in just one patch. That win rate is top five among ADCs, indicating that Jhin might actually have some upside still.
Nerfed champions
What are your thoughts on our Patch 9.14 AD Carry list? Let us know who you’re going to be playing in the comments below!