League of Legends Patch 9.16 breakdown – Summoner’s Rift edition
"Q – Sigil of Malice Ratio: 0.3 Ability Power –> 0.4 Ability Power."
Tiny, inconsequential buff to a currently non-existent mid laner. Move along.
"W – Prismatic Barrier Shield: 50/65/80/95/110 –> 50/75/100/125/150. Max Shield: 100/130/160/190/220 –> 100/150/200/250/300."
Lux went from top of the support food chain to a 48.26% win rate small fry over a single patch. 9.14 saw the end of Lux as we knew her, with nerfs to Q, W, and R in one fell swoop. Now, she’s gaining a little of that power back with some shield buffs, but this doesn’t bring her back to her oppressive state we last saw her in. In fact, she’s probably back to her pre-mid-season state – a niche pick with no place in pro play.
"Base Stats Armor: 36 –> 38 . Health: 582.8 –> 585. Mana: 273.8 –> 275. Mana Regen: 6.756 –> 7. W – Shroud of Darkness Bonus Attack Speed: 20/25/30/35/40% –> 30/35/40/45/50%."
Speaking of his W, Nocturne has been covered by a Shroud of Darkness throughout season 9, despite the fact the meta suits the Eternal Nightmare so well. This is due to a flurry of nerfs targeted in his direction towards the end of 2018, as well as the fact that he can no longer duel with some of the early game focused junglers of the current meta, and he also offers less utility.
So, do these changes put him back in contention? Not really. The base stat increases are nice, but barely noticeable. The attack speed buff on his W is great and will impact 10% of small, early trades, but ultimately he needs a bit more before he can be considered a top tier jungle pick.
"Q – Broken Wings Cooldown: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds –> 12 seconds at all ranks."
Nerf to Riven in response to Patch 9.10 not going as planned. Not a huge change but should decrease her 51.40% win rate slightly on Patch 9.16.
"Passive – Fury of the North Frost Armor: 20 (+0.25 bonus armor) bonus armor and 20 (+0.25 bonus magic resistance) bonus magic resistance –> 10 (+0.35 bonus armor) bonus armor and 10 (+0.35 bonus magic resistance) bonus magic resistance. Q – Arctic Assault Cooldown: 17/15.5/14/12.5/11 seconds –> 20/18/16/14/12 seconds."
She can’t keep getting away with it! Sejuani continues to get pummelled by the balance team patch after patch, but she continues to get back up and maintain her place at the top of the jungle tier list. Do not be surprised if it happens again on Patch 9.16.
Sejuani loses 10 armor and 10 magic resistance in the early game, as well as gaining 3 seconds on her Q – Arctic Assault cooldown all the way through to level 14. These are healthy nerfs and push Sejuani in the right direction, but Bristle is a heavy boar and cannot be moved so easily.
Sejuani’s 47.92% win rate in solo queue will take another hit, but her utility in pro play is infallible, and thus we can expect her to keep showing her face in competitive drafts.