League of Legends Champion Profile: Sejuani, Fury of the North
Match-Ups Sejuani Players Love
Lee Sin – Believe it or not, an early game champion like Lee Sin can run into a few troubles when faced up against a scaling jungler like Sejuani. Despite his high early damage and ability to invade the enemy jungle, Lee can find himself in a spot of bother when attempting to Q in or W out of the jungle as Arctic Assault can interrupt both movements. Not only that, Lee Sin also falls off heavily in the late game, while Sejuani just gets stronger and stronger, making it a complete mis-match after the thirty-minute mark.
Skarner – Skarner can be considered Sejuani Lite as she can do everything he can do better. Both want to farm in the early game and reach level 6, both want to use their ultimates to start off fights, and both are extremely tanky in late game team fights. The difference is, Skarner is a lot more one-dimensional than Sejuani and is extremely reliant on enemy carries not buying QSS, whereas Sejuani can still apply slows to opponents even if they Cleanse a Glacial Prison stun.
Zac – Zac is the king of farming junglers and could actually become the victim of Sejuani invades in the early game if he’s not careful. He may be a stronger source of early game ganks as he relentlessly Slingshots in to your laners, but you can track him easily, take him down in his own jungle, or interrupt his E in a counter gank. In the late game, interrupting any attempt to engage is simple with a quick, well-reacted Arctic Assault.
Match-Ups Sejuani Players Hate
Karthus – The main counter to Karthus jungle players is his vulnerability to early invades as he attempts to full clear his jungle and power farm to an early Runic Echoes. This main weakness of Sejuani is her inability to kill opposing junglers through early invades and her own vulnerability in her jungle early on. As a result, Karthus will be allowed to free farm throughout the first fifteen minutes and scale to a position where he can begin to run team fights.
Olaf – Olaf’s ultimate makes him immune to crowd control, while Sejuani is a crowd control bot, so this mis-match is obvious. On top of that, Olaf’s early invades are unparalleled and he can shut down a Sejuani within the first five minutes of the game.
Sylas – Stealing ultimates is already a powerful ability in itself, but when that ultimate you’re stealing has the power to completely turn a game around, Sylas becomes much more of a threat from the jungle role. Glacial Prison is a game-changing ability and one of the main reasons for Sejuani’s ever-presence in solo queue and pro play, hand that over to another champion with more damage and priority in the early game, and you’ve got yourself a better version of Sej.
Tips for Playing Sejuani
- Focus on quality of ganks, rather than quantity, in the early game. Three cleanly executed ganks, combined with intelligent pathing and jungle tracking, will place your team in a stronger position than a perma-ganking Sejuani with few items in her inventory.
- Play around melee champions. If you’re sitting in champion select and notice your team has gone for Renekton, Akali, Braum, or any other melee champions in solo lanes and support, that’s the perfect time to pick up Sejuani to rack up Permafrost stacks and quickly create an opportunity for a stun during a gank or in team fights.
- Save Glacial Prison for the right moment. Throwing out your ultimate ability on first sight of an enemy champion will never win you games. Instead, wait until a moment to squeeze the ability into the middle of the enemy team to not only stun, but apply a large slow to all five members. This is the ideal way to start off a team fight and increase your chances of success.
Tips for Playing Against Sejuani
- Invade, invade, invade. If you haven’t punished Sejuani’s relatively weak early game before level 6 in some way, you’re playing the jungle role completely wrong. Either steal camps or get your lanes up and running before Sejuani has the chance to purchase her Cinderhulk item and you’ve put her under pressure to turn the game around while you’ve built a large gold and experience lead.
- Buy Quicksilver Sash. The moment your carries buy a QSS team fights become ten times more difficult for a Sejuani as she can’t land Glacial Prison or Permafrost and lock them down, rendering her near-useless against that champion.
- Counter-gank. After Sejuani has used her Q – Arctic Assault to close the gap between herself and a laner in a gank, she no longer has an escape tool and is an easy kill in a 2v2, particularly if her Frost Armor is down. Track Sejuani and follow her around the map, counter-ganking whenever possible.
Champion Difficulty: 3/10
Sejuani is an extremely easy champion to pick up due to her tanky stats, lack of weaknesses throughout the game, and easy-to-land skillshots that can turn the game around in an instant. The only mechanics that can be considered difficult on the Fury of the North are finding the right rotation to maximise Permafrost stuns, clearing the jungle without falling low on health, and finding priority targets with Glacial Prison in teamfights.
If you’re looking to expand your champion pool in the jungle and need a tanky option, Sejuani is the perfect choice.
Similar to Champions
Gragas, Skarner, Zac.
Are you going to pick up Sejuani in the jungle? Have any other champions you’d like to see us profile? Let us know in the comments, on Facebook, or on Twitter!