MSI 2015 Championship: EDG vs SKT in depth recap

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Game 4: SKT 2-2

Faker is back. After dropping two games in a row, SKT was ready to bring in the mid lane god. With Gnar, Alistar, and Gragas, Faker decided to throw a Kassadin in their to counter PawN’s Azir. Kassadin’s late game is what caused this pick to happen.

The entire picks and bans list is below.

The only response that EDG had to Faker rejoining the MSI was trying to freeze his lane. This caused ganks to come early from the Bengi’s Gragas. Early kills meant an early lead for SKT. Bang’s Ezreal started off the game with three kills, one of which was due to this insane snipe across the map with his ultimate.

Unlike the casual, conservative play in Game 3, with Faker on the field both teams turned aggressive mid-game, which turned into a kill fest for SKT. Even though Faker was basically a non-factor through 15 minutes of the game, the fear he put in the hearts of EDG made it an open field for Bengi’s Gragas.

Once the laning phase was over, Faker was a god among men once again. He landed his first kill of the MSI Finals 16:00 minutes into Game 4, and from there, team fights were flying all over the place in favor of SKT.

The game changing play came at about 21:00 minutes. EDG decided to push top lane, taking two turrets, but SKT responded by snagging two turrets themselves, one on bot and one in mid. For a team that was already ahead in gold, trading turrets inn’t exactly their go-to strategy. A critical error that would cost them down the stretch.

From there it was all over but the fireworks as SKT even things up in Game 4, 2-2 as the series would go into Game 5.

You can watch the full game here.

Next: Game 5