Take a look at Ekko: The Boy Who Shattered Time


Ekko’s abilities have officially been revealed but what is Ekko capable of?

Ekko, the boy who shattered time, was revealed to the League community today. It seems as if our little time shatterer will be an assassin type of champion with some powerful crowd control, high mobility, and an ability to rewind time.

Ekko’s passive is called Z-Drive Resonance. Every third attack on a target sets the passive off and deals bonus damage as well as applies a slow. Whenever the passive is triggered on an enemy champ, Ekko will receive an increase in movement speed.

Ekko’s Q is called Timewinder. When activated, Ekko throws a disc like device toward a target location. The device will continue to travel until it reaches its max distance or it hits a champion. Once it finishes the journey outward, the device expands and creates a field that slows all enemy or neutral units. The disc then contracts and returns to Ekko, dealing damage both on its trip away and back towards Ekko.

Ekko’s W is called Parallel Convergence. This ability has an active as well as a passive component. The passive grants Ekko’s basic attacks bonus damage to low health targets. The active casts a giant dome type energy field which slows enemies within. If Ekko enters the dome, any enemy inside will be stunned and Ekko will gain a shield.

Ekko’s E is called Phase Dive. Phase Dive is a gap closer which allows Ekko to dash a short distance and then blink to any target within range of his destination. Upon blinking to a target, Ekko will attack with his basic attack as well as apply on-hit and spell effects.

Ekko’s ultimate is called Chronobreak. Chronobreak lets Ekko rewind time for a few seconds. Once he rewinds, he gains some health back as well as deals damage to nearby enemies.

Ekko looks like he will be the star of many YouTube combo videos. He has a lot of tricks at his disposal which can be combined together to chip aaa y at his opponents. For example, a mid or top lane Ekko can poke at his opponent with his Q during the early landing phase while dodging skill shots with his E. Ekko’s W also gives him a lot of zoning ability in lane. Any enemy landing against Ekko will have to choose between grabbing that last hit on the cannon minion or risk having Parallel Convergence dropped on their heads.

A pre-level 6 Ekko can throw his W on top of his lane opponent, blink in with his E for the stun and armor, and pop out his Q for extra damage, all the while attacking with his basic attacks for a speed boost and enemy slow. Combine this with a jungler with some crowd control such as volibear, sejuani, or udyr and its gg.

In team fights Ekko will most likely be jumping in and out of the action. Ekko will most likely poke with his Q, jump in with a W-E combo for some stuns, get a few basic attacks off, and then hop out of the fight with his ult which will simultaneously set off some massive damage as well as restore some HP.

If you want the chance to play as Ekko you can pick him up on the PBE soon. For everyone else, you will have to wait until he is officially released to wreak some time-bending havoc. You can also check out Riot’s official Ekko page here.