What lane would the Avengers play in League of Legends?

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Jungle: Thor

We all know the requirements for being a successful jungler. Easy ganking methods, sustain in the early game, and map mobility. Thor has all of this and more. After all, he is a demi-god. If we were to give Thor every ability he had in the movies he would be virtually unstoppable. Imagine a champ with Katarina’s gap closers and AP scaling, but with the map mobility of Pantheon, the bonus damage of a farmed Nasus, and the range of Caitlyn. That probably wouldn’t be too fun to play against.

To tone it down a little bit, I would give Thor a q that does bonus damage if it kills monster, a w that heals him when injured, an e that is a gap closer, and an ult that has range and does a ton of magic damage.

I’m imagine Thor’s mechanics to be similar to Olaf. After all, Olaf was based off of Thor himself. Those Norse god’s all look alike, even if different fantasy universes. So Olaf is going to be the platform for this jungle version of Thor.

Next: ADC: Hawkeye/Black Widow