Faker Trash-Talks New SKT World Championship Skins

The SKT star thinks his team’s commemorative skins could use some improvement.

The reveal of SKTelecom T1’s 2015 World Champion skins has been a source of disappointment for many League of Legends fans. Now joining the chorus of naysayers is none other than the star SKT midlaner himself, Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok. Following SKT’s 2-0 victory over Sbenu last night, LCK host Cho Eun Jung asked Faker if he thought the skins looked cool. His answer?

A resounding “no.”


Given Faker’s usual meek and polite media persona, such a public admonishment of Riot’s work on the new skins is actually a pretty big deal. Faker did follow up that he did thinks the skins look good, but could be better. However, LCK translator Robin Seunghwan Lee showed up on Reddit with clarification of Faker’s sentiments. Lee supported suspicions that Faker was withholding his nastier thoughts about the skins debacle, posting, “In my opinion this was the most PR-appropriate, broadcast-friendly way of Faker saying ‘it’s garbage, remake pls.'”

It seems like nobody is a fan of the new skins, which arrived on the PBE on Tuesday. LCK caster MonteCristo had this to add to the homogeneous wave of disapproval:

Monte SKT skins
Monte SKT skins

The new World Champion skin set includes a Ryze skin for Faker, as well as skins for Alistar, Elise, Renekton, and Sivir, honoring four other members of the SKTelecom T1 2015 World Championships team. Conspicuously absent is a skin for Li “Easyhoon” Ji-hoon, who served admirably as a substitute/alternate for Faker through SKT’s 2015 World Championship run. If there’s any solace to be gained here, it’s that Easyhoon hasn’t had to suffer the fate of being granted a disappointing skin.

Related Story: Update: SKT Skins to Be Put On Hold and Fixed

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