2016 MSI: Top 15 plays from the group stage

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9.) Nasty three-man stun from Looper.

Everyone on RNG has been playing great to get them to the top of the standings, and Jang “Looper” Hyeong-seok has been killing it since day one.

We see a stupid amount of Ekko played these days (isn’t this such a fun meta?), but it’s rare to see someone use his stun extremely well since it’s pretty hard to set up. However, in this play, CLG only allow themselves one path to escape which makes Looper’s job a lot easier. He is able to get a beautiful three-man stun with Ekko which leads to an easy four kills for RNG.

8.) PerkZ dominates HuHi.

It was a bad event for PerkZ, but that man is still too damn good to not have any great moments.

HuHi thinks he is safe to lay some damage on PerkZ’s LeBlanc, but he was sadly mistaken as PerkZ turns right around to delete him for first blood. HuHi and CLG did a lot better than PerkZ and G2 at MSI, but the European player is still the best mid laner in that matchup.

It would have been nice to see more of that at MSI.

7.) Mata and Xiaohu make for a nasty combo.

The biggest reason RNG finished the group stage in first place is because of their incredible team fighting. One of the things that make a team really good at fighting is the ability to have great initiation, and that’s what Cho “Mata” Se-hyeong brings to the table.

CLG make the poor decision of fighting under a tower against an Alistar that has his flash up, and Mata takes full advantage of the opportunity that was given to him. He knocks up Huhi and Zaqueri “Aphromoo” Black which allows Li “Xiaohu” Yuan-Hao to easily follow him up for a beautiful combo.

Next: Counter Logic Gaming with the big plays