2016 EU LCS Summer Split Week 1 Power Rankings

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4.) H2K

After another lackluster finish in playoffs, H2K looked to make another move with their roster.

The team made the monster decision of letting Konstantinos “FORG1VENG” Tzortziou-Napoleon go in favor of former Renegades player Aleš “Freeze” Kněžínek.  There will be some big shoes to fill for Freeze, and as someone who has always been looked upon as having inferior teammates, he will no longer have that excuse to lean on.   

H2K will no doubt have fantastic players, but one thing they were never able to truly demonstrate in the last split was coordination in team fighting. Their split pushing and early-game strategies were brilliant, but their team fighting simply looked so awkward at times.

This team will need to have better synergy than the last if they want to climb to the top of Europe.

3.) G2 Esports 

The European representative at the Mid-Season Invitational and defending champions come into summer with a new and very hyped bottom lane of Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen and Alfonso “Mithy” Aguirre Rodriguez from Origen.

However, the bottom lane was not the only addition, as the departure of Jin-hyun “Emperor” Kim opened up an import slot.  Joining the G2 roster will be substitute top laner Dae-han “Expect” Ki.  

The additions to the roster make G2 look stronger than ever, and their finish this split will come down to the new bottom lane synergizing with the rest of the team.

Next: The best of the best