2016 EU LCS Summer Split Week 2 Power Rankings

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10. Giants (0 points, 0-0-2)

Giants looked like the worst team coming into the summer, and nothing happened in the past week to change that theory.

It’s unfortunate that they had to play against Fnatic and G2 Esports, but they probably would have had the same results against nearly every other team in Europe.

The fact of the matter is that Giants have an incredibly underwhelming roster and they aren’t going to get any better if things stay the same. The sad thing is that they don’t even have one solid player to build around like they did in the last split with Isaac “Xpepii” Flores. It’s kind of a mess.

Giants made multiple roster changes during the last split to protect their EU LCS spot, and you can expect to see that again once they give this group a fair shot (at least a few weeks). This team is definitely going to be fighting in the promotion tournament once again, and even this roster would struggle in that situation.

This week is a bit easier for them as they face H2K and Unicorns of Love, and they should walk away pretty happy if they are able to come out with just one tie. However, if they are to get many wins this split, Unicorns of Love would be one of the teams for them to do so against.

Next: 9. Origen