League of Legends jungle guide: 5 tips for new players

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One spot to ward is by your red buff or the enemy jungler’s red buff.
One spot to ward is by your red buff or the enemy jungler’s red buff. /


Warding isn’t just a job for supports. Getting vision of your opponents jungle, or even your own jungle if you’re playing against a more invasion-heavy jungler such as Lee Sin, is a huge help to both yourself and your team.

Newer players, and even some who have been playing League for years, will often underestimate how important warding and granting your team vision really is.

Some of the most common places to ward as a jungler are by your own blue and red camps, somewhere by the enemy blue and red camps and by major map objectives like Rift Herald/Baron and Dragon.

Get yourself a tracker’s knife and ward where you want vision.

Don’t rely on your team to do it and you’ll start noticing a major improvement in not only your map awareness, but ganking capabilities too.

Did you ward by the enemy junglers blue and now you see that he’s killing the camp?

Ping so your team is aware and if you’re in the top-side jungle you now have the ability to gank without worrying about a counter-gank.

Vision is important, so DON’T FORGET TO WARD!

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