2016 NA LCS Summer Split: Week 3 power rankings

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apex feat
apex feat /

5. Apex

Week 2 was actually a very telling week for Apex.

Opening week was good for them with wins against NRG Esports and Counter Logic Gaming, but those wins may have been a bit misleading. At the time, the narrative was: “Check out these newcomers taking down two solid teams,” but NRG Esports didn’t even look like a Challenger team in Week 1 and Counter Logic Gaming are simply off their game right now.

This past weekend was their time to show us if they are actually good or not, and they ultimately failed that test.

Apex was able to take one game from Envy, but that game was weird since it was carried by Jeon “Ray” Ji-won and his random Jarvan IV pick that was one-shotting carries towards the end of the game. It was a classic “cheese” win.

No one expected Apex to defeat TSM, or even take a game from them, but damn, it was a pretty easy day for the men in black.

At the end of the day, Apex are probably just a middle of the pack team — and there’s nothing wrong with that. Every league has to have their average teams that make the playoffs only to get knocked out in the opening round, and Apex might be one of those teams this year.

Apex should be expected to take down Phoenix1 rather easily before getting knocked back down to earth by Cloud9 the following day.

Next: 4. Team Envy