2016 World Championship: H2K sweep Albus NoX Luna in quarterfinals

H2K Ryu, courtesy of lolesports.com
H2K Ryu, courtesy of lolesports.com

Given the volatile nature of these teams, H2K vs. ANX was expected to be close. Instead, the Europeans showed their consistency in a one-sided victory

During this year’s group stage. Albus NoX Luna gave us some of the greatest games we’ve ever seen at Words. Yes, they ultimately lost first place in their group (and lost a best-of-three to ROX Tigers), but their creative objective steals and strong early game was fascinating to watch.

On the other side, H2K can struggle with shot calling and coordination, but their individual skill levels are some of the best in the world. ANX would have to pull some magic out of their hats to win this, but they did take a game off ROX Tigers.

Odoamne dominates Game 1

H2K, with the skill of their carries, has so many ways to beat you. Sawng Wook “Ryu” Yoo has had huge performances on the AP mages en vogue in this meta. Andrei “Odoamne” pascu has been dominating in the top lane. And Konstatinos-Napolen “Forg1ven” Tzortziou needs no introduction.

Odoamne player portrait, courtesy of lolesports.com
Odoamne player portrait, courtesy of lolesports.com

ANX chose to path Oleskandr “PVPStejos” Glaskov to the top lane and help Dimitrii “Smurf” Ivanov against Odoamne. As we’ve come to expect from ANX, it was a pretty creative setup. Smurf faked a leash, fooling H2K into thinking PVPStejos was heading bot, while Stejos actually pathed the other way and hid in the tribush for a catch.

When Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski face-checked him, Stejos got good damage down, but Odoamne had Smurf pushed in so far that Smurf’s Gnar couldn’t join the fight. A good setup turned into disaster as Odoamne picked up a double kill, and that was all H2K needed. Odoamne’s split-push Jayce turned into a nightmare and H2K never lost a teamfight again.

H2K turn on the jets and leave ANX in the dust

ANX opted into the same top lane matchup as game one, but Smurf did a much better job holding up in lane. There was a lot of attention to the top lane again, but the key play happened in the duo lane.

PVPStejos tried to jump on Forg1ven’s Lucian but Forg1ven

Forg1ven lolesports
Forg1ven lolesports

kited back and stayed alive long enough for the team to join him. It turned into a five-on-five, but ANX was split on the call. ADC Vladyslav “aMiracle” Shscherbyna’s Caitlin was kiting while the rest of his team dove, and like the first play of Game 1, Smurf was incredibly late. It’s inconceivable that a play started by PVPStejos was finished by H2K.

The fight was won four-to-one by H2K, Odoamne became a beast once again, and H2K won in under 24 minutes for the fastest game of Worlds.

H2K leave no doubt in Game 3

Top lane, bot lane, it’s all going wrong for Albus NoX Luna. They can’t deal with Odoamne at all, and when they send attention his way, it gives Sang Wook “Ryu” Yoo and Forg1ven free lanes.


Ryu showed what he can do in a one-on-one by solo-killing Mykahilo “Kira” Harmash’s Zilean —


. Both of these mid laners are talented, but getting a kill on Ryu’s Syndra caused a snowball ANX could not stop.

ANX finally made a play though and executed on a nice counter in the bot lane to get aMiracle a kill. Later, they made a proactive decision to trade Baron for a bottom lane inhibitor, showing that they can make plays across the map away from H2K pressure.

The last fight happened at ANX base, and it started as well as ANX could have wanted. They locked down Ryu, but Forg1ven and Odoamne went undamaged.

H2K has shown that they have the talent to compete with anybody in the world. Their semifinal match against Samsung Galaxy is going to be fun!

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