Top 5 big updates in Patch 7.7

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5. Amumu gets a much-needed buff

Everyone’s favorite sad mummy Amumu finally got a much-needed buff to his passive ability. That’s right, “Cursed Touch” now causes magic damage against a target to also dish out extra true damage.

Instead of the previous reducing magic resist, this will now make him more of a viable option in the jungle. The developers also caused his “Despair” ability to do more damage and tick faster. Now, Amumu should have an easier time clearing enemy camps and also add a nice dimension when ganking.

It should be noted that his ability “Curse of the Sad Mummy” now also applies “Cursed Touch” which means more damage output in the grand scheme of things. For those that main Amumu, you should see the changes immediately.

This a great update for one of the more popular champions in League of Legends. Now, Amumu has better damage to hopefully not make him cry so much.