Top 5 big updates in Patch 7.7

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2. Faster League Client

If you’re still using the old League Client, it’s time to shift over to the new one as it’s everything you can ask for and then some. In this latest Patch Update, the new League Client just got updated to be even faster when it comes to champion select.

Every single Patch Update, League of Legends continues to improve the overall performance of the game to make it take less time to load and get matches started faster. Summoners will notice now that editing masteries, champion select, and loading into a rift is now quicker.

As League of Legends continues to evolve with more and more new gamers playing, it’s imperative that the game experience is as smooth as possible. This will give a great first impression and also make for faster matchmaking which is always a plus in such a massive game.

After playing several matches in the newly updated League Client after this update, the changes are apparent and noticeable. It’s great to see that more time was spent actually playing the game where it matters rather than looking at a loading screen.