Top 5 big updates in Patch 7.7

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1. Watching Highlights are easier than ever now

Summoners now have the ability to save their Highlights and watch them whenever they’d like as now you can save them right onto your computer in a video file. You can also rename and delete saved clips easier than ever before now.

The new Highlights tab is right in the new League Client under Profile. There, you can watch and even share your Highlights so friends and family can see you in all your glory.

For those of you lucky Summoners who consistently make awesome Highlights, now you’ll be able to save them right after your match is over. It’s an awesome new feature that will give everyone an opportunity to showcase the many strategies and memories that come from League of Legends.

Overall, this is easily the biggest update in Patch 7.7. Summoners have been asking for such a Highlights feature for a while now and to finally see it come to fruition is a great sight to see.