Top 5 skins for the month of May

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5. Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper

Everyone’s favorite life stealing vampire is on sale this week. The Crimson Reaper himself is a solid mid and top lane champion that can life steal while having great escapability. He’s part of the sale in League of Legends to start the month of May.

At just 260 RP, he’s 50 percent off this week and if you don’t have his “Marquis Vladimir” skin, it’s worthy of your collection. He looks like a true creature of the night ready to claim his next victim at some kind of opera in his castle.

It’s a vintage look that shows what Vladimir would look like in a regular, human form. Sure, looking like a vampire is cool and all but sometimes regular attire is good to wear every once in a while.

If you’ve never played Vladimir before and want to take advantage of the sale, unlock him and make sure to stack up on Magic Penetration and Ability Power runes for maximum effectiveness.