Top 5 skins for the month of May

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3. Lux, the Lady of Luminosity

As one of the most fun mid lane and support champions, Lux’s Ultimate Elementalist skin is one of the best in the game. Unfortunately, it’s not on sale and is 3,250 RP but the possibilities are endless with this particular skin.

For about $30 USD, you can have a brand new experience with Lux in any given match. This special skin gives Summoners up to ten different elemental forms with all new animations and a fun style of play.

One can only imagine how much fun it will be to use the Elementalist skin as a Water form one match then switch it up into a Mystic form in another. It’s tricky to figure out the combinations but the more popular options are Magma (combine Fire and Nature) and Mystic (combine Water and Nature).

The only drawback is you can’t play as every different form available in a single match as the max is three. Regardless though, for all you Lux mains out there that don’t have this skin yet, it’s worth to pay a little more than usual for a skin that packs quite the punch.