Full 7.9 notes on tank-inspired patch update

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Rift Herald

Rift Herald has new visuals, a new fighting style, and can be summoned to wreak havoc to turrets.

The encounter

SPAWN TIME 10 minutes (unchanged)

ATTACK DAMAGE 119-361 (based on level) ⇒ 100-250 (based on level)

ATTACK SPEED 0.667 ⇒ 0.5


EYE OPENING CADENCE Every 3 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds, reduced by 2.5 seconds per champion attack

BLIND SPOT Poking Rift Herald’s eye deals 12% of her maximum health as damage (unchanged)

LEARNT MY LESSON Rift Herald won’t open her eye below 15% health

OUT OF THE PIT Rift Herald can walk outside of the pit without losing aggro

SHE’S PATIENT Rift Herald is more lenient towards swapping targets and leashing

GOLD REWARD 50 (ish) global gold ⇒ 25 to her killer

NEW LEEROY At the start of the fight, Rift Herald winds up and charges forward, knocking aside enemies she passes through and damaging them for double her attack damage

NEW ENRAGE At certain health thresholds, Rift Herald winds up for an attack that deals triple her attack damage in a cone in front of her

The reward

NEW Rift Herald is captured in the Eye of the Herald when killed. Any member of the team that killed Rift Herald can pick it up, temporarily replacing their trinket.

CHAOS! Channeling Eye of the Herald for 3.5 seconds will crush it to summon Rift Herald from the void as your team’s ally

NEW(ISH) Eye of the Herald grants Empowered Recall while held

DURATION Eye of the Herald expires after 4 minutes if not used.

Rift Herald returned

CHAAARGE When summoned, Rift Herald will head to the nearest lane and starts killing enemy minions and structures

HEALTH 4,000 – 6,400 (based on average level of game)


ATTACK DAMAGE 80-200 (based on average champion level of all ten players)

BASIC ATTACK 3% of Herald’s current health in addition to Base AD

TURRET LEAP ATTACK When Rift Herald approaches turrets she winds up and leaps into melee range, dealing 150 damage plus 25% of her current health to the turret and herself

NEW ENRAGE At certain health thresholds, Rift Herald winds up for an attack that deals double her attack damage in a cone in front of her (same as her encounter stage)

BLINDSPOT Poking Rift Herald’s eye deals 20% of her maximum health as damage

STAHP Rift Herald can be affected by most forms of crowd control


DUCHESS SMASH Rift Herald disables turret backdoor defenses even when no allied minions are nearby