Full 7.9 notes on tank-inspired patch update

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Contribution clarity

Crowd Control Name Display

READING IS FUN When champions are crowd controlled, the name of the status effect replaces their summoner or champion name above their health bar until the effect ends

ICON’T BELIEVE IT Crowd control icons have been updated!

End of Game Stats

TRY TO RUN ME THROUGH Damage Mitigated on Self (how much damage you reduced or blocked on yourself through your abilities and shields)

ART OF WARDamage Dealt to Objectives (damage dealt to Epic Monsters and Structures)

LOOK TO THE HORIZON Damage Dealt to Turrets (…damage dealt to turrets.)

NEVER SEE IT COMIN’ Vision Score (measuring how effective your vision contribution and denial was)

HOLD UP Crowd Control Score (duration of all crowd control you applied over the game)*This one needs a bit more time in the shop. Look for it in a future patch!

Active Item Feedback

  • Knight’s Vow: Damage Redirected and Healing Received
  • Mikael’s Crucible: Successful Cleanses
  • Redemption: Healing Done and Damage Dealt

Spell Attribution VFX

It can be hard to tell, and thus appreciate, who cast certain summoner spells or items on a target. This change adds a small VFX trail from caster to castee.

Death VFX

Our old death VFX were too slow and too subtle. We want players (and viewers) to be able to instantly discern when an ally or enemy dies, so we updated the VFX to be much snappier. This better communicates the flow of a teamfight.

Active Item HUD

The active (castable) portion of our items contain a lot of power and gold-efficiency … when used. This change adds a thicker and more prominent border to our major activatable items, reminding you to take full advantage of pickups such as Redemption, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Blade of the Ruined King