Top 5 ADCs to use in bottom lane

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Draven: The Glorious Executioner


Draven hasn’t always been on the top of the list (just don’t tell him that). His base damages are very high which lets him bully opponents out of lane early game. For the first few levels, he can out trade any opposing ADC in the lane, especially if you can juggle his axes.

Draven isn’t great for beginners, but with a lot of practice, he is very rewarding to play. His passive gives you the adoration stacks which get cashed in if you kill an opposing champion. Bonus gold lets you come back to lane with better items and can give you a strong advantage in lane.

He has great utility with his “Stand Aside”. He throws his axes and they interrupt any champion they hit. This can save you from any number of unfavorable things which can happen to an ADC. Lee Sin flying at you? No problem. Shen dashing in trying to taunt you? Avoided.

The key to mastering Draven is being able to catch his axes and juggle them effectively while trading. Once you can continue to juggle axes and trade with enemies, you can dominate your lane.