Top 5 ADCs to use in bottom lane

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Twitch: The Plague Rat

Twitch is a champion who sneaks his way to the top of the charts. He is the champion on our list who has the highest win percentage.

Like Kog’maw, Twitch doesn’t have the strongest early game. He can win extended trades but against strong lane opponents, like Draven, he is better off not trading. Twitch’s real strength is his stealth and his team fighting. These tools make him deadly in almost any situation and give him a safe escape if he gets caught out.

Using Twitch effectively in a team fight is key to success. His passive makes it so that any target he attacks takes true damage over time, and his ultimate lets you hit multiple targets at once. It’s important to sneak into a good position using Twitch’s stealth because when he emerges, he gets an attack speed increase. This allows him to apply his poison to more enemies before they even know what hits them.

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Twitch isn’t easy to learn but can be deadly efficient if you can use him well. Hopefully, this will help you get started. Once you pick a champion you like, stick to it and practice relentlessly. Best of luck on the Rift!