Top 5 champions to use as support

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5. Thresh: The Chain Warden

Thresh is the most popular support in League of Legends, with the highest pick rate on our list. When he is played well, he is the bane of the bottom lane.

Thresh is naturally tanky and can engage with Death Sentence. His hook grabs a champion, pulls them toward Thresh, and then brings Thresh into them. This allows the ADC to put out a lot of free damage on the hooked victim.

Flay is probably the most amazing ability he has but it takes a lot of practice to be able to use it optimally. It can interrupt any incoming attack. You can use it to knock up enemies who come in to attack the AD Carry or use it to stun enemies so your ADC can finish the kill.

Thresh’s whole kit is built around engage and team fighting. His ultimate, The Box, slows any enemy who touches it and can be used to engage in a fight or to disengage when enemies are pursuing.