Top 5 champions to use in the jungle

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3. The Shadow of War rides out of the jungle!

Hecarim is a deadly jungler who can cover great distances on the map rather quickly with his Devastating Charge. With his passive, Warpath, giving him bonus attack damage based on bonus movement speed, Hecarim is one of the few junglers who can favor taking ghost as a summoner spell over flash.

Even if you see a flashless Hecarim on the rift, he is not without his ability to gap close in an instant. His ultimate, Onslaught of Shadows, can disrupt an entire enemy team leaving them scared for their lives.

A unique property to Hecarim and only a few other champions is the ability to restore health without items. If he starts to lose health he can pop Spirit of Dread and help sustain himself without needing to attack scuttle crab or eating a honey fruit.

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An amazing synergy that Hecarim has is with the item Trinity Force. It gives all the offensive stats he could ever need and allows him to build defensively without giving up damage.