Other Turret Adjustments
Although Outer Turrets are getting more love than their inner counterparts, the remaining turret changes are nothing to scoff at. Paper turrets still line the map, but they’re going to hit much harder and much earlier than you’re used to.
"First Turret Bonus FIRST BRICK 300 gold ⇒ 150 gold (reduced to accommodate turret plating gold) Outer Turrets HEALTH 3800 ⇒ 5000 AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute AD CAP 180 at 7:30 ⇒ 278 at 15:00 ARMOR & MAGIC RESIST 55 ⇒ 0 (replaced by turret plating) ARMOR & MAGIC RESIST SCALING +1 per minute ⇒ 0 (replaced by turret plating) GLOBAL GOLD 50 (unchanged) Inner Turrets AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute AD CAP 250 at 28:00 ⇒ 305 at 18:00 GLOBAL GOLD 100 ⇒ 50 Inhibitor Turrets AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute AD CAP 250 at 28:00 ⇒ 305 at 18:00 GLOBAL GOLD 150 ⇒ 50 Nexus Turrets AD SCALING 4 per minute ⇒ 9 per minute AD CAP 230 at 28:00 ⇒ 285 at 18:00 GLOBAL GOLD 75 ⇒ 50"
As you can see, although outer turrets are getting tankier, the rest of them will maintain their same HP and resistances throughout the game. Their damage output, however, is drastically different. Not only will turrets accumulate AD 125% faster than before, their damage will cap out 10 minutes earlier.
This is very clearly designed to keep games from being snowballed out of control. With stronger turrets and lower global rewards, dives will become harder to execute and less easily justifiable. Coupled with Riot’s changes to bounties, these adjustments are part of the studio’s plans to enable individual carrying without excess global benefits to the team. Who knows—maybe now that turrets will dish out more damage, we’ll see the occasional Ohmwrecker. Probably not, though.
What are your thoughts? Do you also anticipate the return of hard-shove laners? Who do you see taking advantage of these changes the most?