League of Legends: LEC Week 5 – Is it opposite day!?

BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA - OCTOBER 21: Supporters watch the quaterfinal match of 2018 The League of Legends World Chmpionship at Bexco Auditorium on October 21, 2018 in Busan, South Korea. (Photo by Woohae Cho/Getty Images)
BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA - OCTOBER 21: Supporters watch the quaterfinal match of 2018 The League of Legends World Chmpionship at Bexco Auditorium on October 21, 2018 in Busan, South Korea. (Photo by Woohae Cho/Getty Images)
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Zed. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.

Week 5 – Day 2

Day 2 of LEC Week 5 began similarly to Day 1. Going into the SK Gaming & Fnatic match most believed it to be anybody’s game. With either team being fully capable of taking down the other as long as their junglers gave their main carries the appropriate attention and got the enemy’s carries far enough behind. As it turns out, SK Gaming decided that Bwipo was going to be the unfortunate recipient of all of the mid/jungle roams. Bwipo found himself ending with an ugly 1/5/2 KDA, Selfmade’s Karthus made sure that the only way that Bwipo was going back to base was in a body bag.

Later on in the day, we saw two of the best AD carries in the league face off. The heated trash talk between Upset and Attila had really been dialled up over the last few weeks; the pair had a few tweets directed each other’s way as well as Upset’s appearance on the EUphoria podcast confirming that he doesn’t see Attila as a top 4 AD carry. Attila then proceeded to stomp Upset into the ground, and after killing his bot-lane counterpart in the top-side Schalke jungle Attila issued a final warning to Upset!

The penultimate game of LEC Week 5 was one for the fans, the true believers of Rogue were rewarded for their loyalty as they dismantled Misfits. Kikis came up big with the surprised Pantheon jungle pick and his well-timed and well-placed ultimates really helped him control the map and Kikis man-dropped directly between the mid lane tier 1 and tier 2 turrets as his team sieged them, corralling the enemy team away and forcing that objective into Rogue’s hands. Rogue eventually closed the game out with a decent 6k gold lead and slow-pushed with Baron into the Misfits base and took the nexus!

The final game of LEC Week 5 really couldn’t have gone any better in my opinion. What better to follow the absolute ecstasy of watching the 0-9 team take their first win versus a massively overhyped and overconfident “superteam.” Origen took a leaf out of the G2 playbook and picked up the Karthus for Kold – who showed Jankos that he too could make the 300IQ R casts! Caps found himself on the Cassiopeia alone and afraid against Nukeduck’s Zed; I started getting flashbacks to Season 3 Lemondogs and half expected Toxic Nukeduck to make a return in the post-game interview just to have it come full circle (thankfully he didn’t flame anyone). Mithy also came up big with his spectacular Rakan engages, really enabling his team to follow up and keep G2 on the back foot.

So I guess we’ve got G2 to thank for keeping Sylas at a 0% win rate in EU!

So LEC Week 5 was one hell of a ride. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. And is EU Sylas > NA Jayce!?