League of Legends: Remembering Immortals – An insane era

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
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The First Trial

Riot Games, Immortals Huni League of Legends
Lucian. League of Legends.

Yet the second half of the season saw the dimming of Immortals’ flame.

They lost in Week 7 to CLG, before continuing their domination. Yet some of the magic was gone.

In their last week of regular play, they struggled against the bottom-tier Dignitas, pulling off a Herculean effort to keep themselves from dropping a second game. Immortals ended their debut split with an insane 17-1 record, having already sealed first seed for playoffs, where they would face the 6th place TSM.

That was when disaster struck.

No one can quite say what happened next, but it involved Huni playing Lucian top, Pobelter locking in an Urgot mid, three-game Karma support, and a swift 0-3 knocking Immortals out of Playoffs. The team that had dominated and captivated the rest of the region with their pre-30 minute games were themselves defeated and tossed unceremoniously aside by the lowest-ranked team in Playoffs.