League of Legends LCS playoff predictions: Team Liquid looks to make a statement vs FlyQuest

2018 NA LCS Spring Split Grand Finals in Miami, Florida, USA on 8 April 2018.
2018 NA LCS Spring Split Grand Finals in Miami, Florida, USA on 8 April 2018.
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Liquid’s slide

The 1-3 record in the last four games of the regular season for Team Liquid is a bit of a concern, with losses to Echo Fox, TSM and FlyQuest, but TL already had first place locked in during each one of the losses. In the game vs FlyQuest the draft seemed “troll” with no tank and the only win condition being to smash every single lane. It would be naive to think that this game was anything other than the team and coach being overconfident or TL trying to push their limits before playoffs.

The game vs TSM is not very troubling, because TSM has looked like the best team in the second-half of the regular season. Thus, the only loss I found concerning was the loss to Echo Fox.

There is not much to say on that game except that TL got outplayed by a team much lower in the standings than them. Sometimes teams just lose. The regular season is a BO1 format and teams will drop games. I  expect people to blow these losses out of proportion. Some people are tired of TL being at the top, but we are about to see playoff Team Liquid, an animal we haven’t seen in a while.

With Liquid’s playoff buff, a huge information advantage and with stronger individual players at almost every position, I expect Team Liquid to cruise to the Spring LCS finals with a 3-0 victory over FlyQuest this weekend.

Tune in noon Pacific time this Sunday at twitch.tv/riotgames to see who will advance to the Spring LCS finals.