League of Legends How to draft & execute a teamfight composition

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
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Zac. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

The Draft

The team’s focus during the draft phase should be to ban out any potential counters to a heavy teamfight oriented composition, such as strong split-pushers or disengage champions, while also aiming to pick up the foundations of the comp early. On an individual level, players should be watching picks and bans roll through carefully, deciding which champion is most suited to the current line-up and guarantees the highest chance of success.

Ban Phase 1:
Initially, teams should look to ban a combination of both extremely strong champions in the current meta and champions that directly counter teamfight compositions. In the case of Patch 9.7, the current live version of the game, Kayle is a particularly powerful pick that, if allowed to scale, can take over the game and could warrant a ban.

As for specific counters to the teamfight strategy, split-push and disengage were singled out as areas to target in the ban phase. In terms of split-push, champions like Jax, Nasus, and Yorick, all thrive when left in a side lane and could be a detriment to a team that want to permanently 5v5, therefore they may be considered in the ban phase.

On the other hand, disengage champions, such as Gragas, Poppy, or Janna in previous metas, can all provide important tools to stop an engage in its tracks and should be targeted with early bans. Also, while not providing a knockback or other CC to prevent an engage, Morgana is a huge deterrent to teamfight compositions as she can use her E – Black Shield on an ally carry to prevent them blowing up instantly.

Pick Phase 1:
While there are a number of directions you can head in when it comes to different iterations of teamfight line-ups, its important to utilise early stages of the draft for power picks and potential flexes. You also want to build the foundations of the teamfight with the first two or three picks.

Normally, the second phase of the draft would be saved for top and mid lane counter picks, which leaves jungle, ADC and support for the first three picks of champion select. For jungle, looking towards champions with primary engage tools such as Gragas, Jarvan IV, or Zac, provides an instant option to begin the fight and lock enemy carries down. Following this up with champions like Alistar, Braum, or Galio, in the support role creates an excellent base on which to start teamfighting.

As for AD Carries, these are a less important factor in creating a strong teamfighting force, and as long as they’re a consistent source of physical damage their selection isn’t so critical. Nevertheless, if you wish to go all-out on the teamfight, the likes of Kalista, Miss Fortune, and Sivir, are all champions that can add something to a 5v5.

Ban Phase 2:
The second ban phase may not exist in solo queue, but for those who are aspiring Clash specialists, this is an integral stage of champion select that can be the difference between an unstoppable teamfight machine and a sloppy, instantly-countered comp. It’s at this point when teams should look to target the remaining enemy roles, banning out potential counter-picks and champions that could sway a teamfight.

Ultimately, the second ban phase is utilised situationally, depending on the current enemy set-up. Its main purpose is to ensure strong match-ups in both mid and top, while also ensuring there are no counters to the teamfight composition that is being put together.

Pick Phase 2:
Evidently, the second pick phase (in this case) will be used for either top or mid to secure a counter-pick and winning match-up. Ultimately the foundations of the composition have been selected at this point, and the last two picks are simply to round out the line-up.

In the middle lane, a high magic damage carry, such as Ryze, Syndra, or Taliyah, is all that’s required. That being said, if you want to create an unmatched teamfight threat, something like an Azir, Orianna, or Swain will fit the composition nicely, providing more CC, while still outputting a huge amount of magic damage.

As for the top lane, it’s becoming more and more important to have three damage threats in the current meta. Therefore, if a tank jungler has already been drafted, a damage oriented top laner will suit the composition nicely. Likewise, if there is a carry in the jungle, a tank top would be more fitting.

There are a plethora of options in the top lane in the current meta, but if you want to proceed with the ultimate teamfight composition, then there are both carry and tank options. For the former, the likes of Hecarim, Kennen, and Rumble, all offer teamfight utility as well as a high damage output. As for the latter, tanky champions like Ornn, Poppy, and Sion, all offer game-changing teamfight ultimates that could be the difference between a won and lost skirmish.

Overall, the aim of the draft phase is to create a team composition consisting of multiple engage tools and teamfight deciding abilities, alongside two high damage dealing carries. The win condition of the team is to win the game as a result of a number of 5v5 victories around key objectives, such as elemental dragons or Baron Nashor.