League of Legends LCS preview Summer 2019

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Counter Logic Gaming. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

7. CLG

New players: Kim “Ruin” Hyeong-min

In dropping Darshan, CLG took a big risk to import a player we most recently saw at MSI in Ruin. This is a highly questionable decision for an organization that showed flashes of promise with solid play from their mid and support players. Getting a reliable carry for their side lane could mask some of the issues from their jungler, Raymond “Wiggly” Griffin and ADC, Trevor “Stixxay” Hayes.

Ruin could be that carry in the top lane, but what evidence is there that he will be more effective than Darshan was last year.

Player to watch: Tristan “PowerofEvil” Schrage
If CLG is going to have a shot to make the playoffs this split, it’s going to come on the back of their mid laner. Through the beginning of Spring Split, PoE was one of the best mid laners in NA.

However, he proceeded to fade as the split went along, dropping from that top tier slot down to the middle tier, below players like Nisqy and Pobelter, closer to struggling mid laners like Damonte and Fenix. If he can resume that level of play from the start of the year, CLG can definitely make a push for playoffs.

Trending: down

Again, slight downward trend, but I don’t think Ruin for Darshan is a massive upgrade and I’m not sure if PoE can just hard-carry this team along with Biofrost. Wiggly and Stixxay are still going to be anchors for this team, even if Ruin outperforms expectations.