League of Legends LCS preview Summer 2019

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Pobelter of FlyQuest. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /

4. Flyquest

New players: Kim “WADID” Bae-in

FlyQuest upgraded their bot lane, as they should have, but unfortunately, they upgraded the wrong part. JayJ was a perfectly serviceable support last split, but Jason “WildTurtle” Tran was a disappointment, posting one of the highest deaths per game and worst damage per minute numbers in LCS. Although WADID has a legacy of being a strong support in Europe despite taking a step back in the spring with Rogue, I don’t think he’s good enough to make a WildTurtle anything more than a bottom tier ADC.

However, FlyQuest has more than enough power on the top side of the map to make up for WildTurtle. V1per was a very strong rookie in the top lane and Santorin had an unbelievable year in the jungle.

In the middle lane, Eugene “Pobelter” Park’s play was steady as expected. These three will have to carry most of the load if they want to make it out of semifinals

Player to watch: Lucas “Santorin” Tao Kilmer Larsen

A lot of people were saying that Santorin deserved consideration for MVP in the spring split. I don’t think his performance was quite to that level, but he was most certainly the team’s glue in the spring split. The question is, though, was that performance the start of Santorin’s ascent to the apex of NA junglers, or an aberration?

Trending: down

I don’t think FlyQuest’s unique play style will continue to serve them as well in the summer as it did in the spring. They are entirely too reliant on players that have been shaky performers in the past like Santorin and Pobelter, so it’s a risk to say FlyQuest will be as good as they were in spring.