Ability Description
"Passive – Fleet of Foot Innate: Sivir gains bonus movement speed for 2 seconds when she damages an enemy champion with an ability or basic attack."
Sivir’s passive is a large reason for her unstoppable nature in late game teamfights. Every auto attack and ability gives her a small burst of movement speed that allows her to manoeuvre around skirmishes to close gaps or create space between her and enemy assassins. In the laning phase and mid game, Fleet of Foot can be used to chase down enemies and limit their escape options.
"Q – Boomerang Blade Active: Sivir hurls her crossblade in the target direction. Enemies in its path take physical damage. Upon reaching maximum range the crossblade returns to her, dealing the same damage."
Boomerang Blade is Sivir’s primary source of ability damage, particularly in the early stages of the game. In the laning phase, a single, well-placed Q could reduce an opponent’s HP bar by over 25%, and it’s also a powerful tool in mid game skirmishes. Once Sivir has completed Essence Reaver and mana is no longer a major problem, the marksman can throw out Q after Q to pump out massive damage in teamfights.
The key to Sivir’s late game teamfight domination is the combination of Boomerang Blade, Ricochet, and a flurry of auto attacks. With 100% critical strike chance and two AD-heavy items in her inventory, the amount of damage she can inflict from a single rotation and a few autos could single-handedly win the game for her team.
"W – Ricochet Active: Sivir’s next 3 basic attacks within 4 seconds bounce to nearby unaffected units. If Sivir critically strikes her target, the bounces do as well."
As previously mentioned, Ricochet is one of the main reasons for Sivir’s popularity and can cause havoc in teamfights if her blade ricochets to several enemy champions. Not only this, it acts as an auto-attack reset for a quick burst of damage (especially at 100% crit chance) and is key in her ability to push out waves quickly to take map control and dictate tempo.
"E – Spell Shield Active: Sivir gains a spell shield for 1.5 seconds. If Sivir blocks an ability with this shield, she restores mana."
Compared to other AD Carries, Sivir’s attack range is amongst the lowest, only matched by Lucian and Kog’Maw. Obviously this makes her vulnerable and an easy target for ganks and engages as she has to walk up close to enemy champions to get auto attacks off when Rapid Firecannon is charging up.
So, needless to say, without her E – Spell Shield Sivir would find herself in a precarious position more often than not as opponents look to land CC and lock her down when she walks up for an auto attack. Fortunately her shield allows her to block a single ability and prevent the initial engage from picking up a free kill on the Shuriman marksman. It’s also key in maintaining high mana during the laning phase as it can be used to refill her mana pool whenever the threat of an engage is low.
"R – On the Hunt Passive: Sivir gains bonus attack speed while Ricochet is active. Active: Sivir rallies all nearby allies for 8 seconds, granting them and herself bonus movement speed that decays after a few seconds."
Sivir’s ultimate ability, On the Hunt, is what separates her from other marksman as it provides a utility tool that can start a fight in an instant. Sivir’s constant presence in competitive play over the last few years is mostly due to her R as it gives her team a clear “go button” to chase down enemies and start a 5v5.
As for solo queue, On the Hunt can be used to begin a skirmish in the bottom lane or a teamfight, particularly around key objectives. Teammates tend to be indecisive when it comes to starting fights or initiating, so playing Sivir makes it easy force your team to take the initiative and begin a teamfight.
Types of Scaling
Passive – None.
Q – Attack Damage and Ability Power.
W – Attack Damage.
E – None.
R – None.
Crowd Control