League of Legends: ranking all Origins in Teamfight Tactics

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Kennen. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

11. Yordle

What it does: Attacks against Yordles have a 20%/50% chance to miss.
Requirement: Three (3)/six (6) champions.
Eligible champions: Tristana (1g), Lulu (2g), Kennen (3g), Poppy (3g), Veigar (3g), Gnar (4g)
Reason for rank: This passive is pretty bad given that a) it requires you to invest at least three champions to get it and b) it only applies to those champions. Yes, keeping your high damage Kennen, Lulu, Veigar, or Gnar can be useful, but it’s still a lot of investment just for a chance at a benefit.

10. Void

What it does: Your team’s attacks ignore 50% of the enemy armor
Requirement: Three (3) champions.
Eligible champions: Kassadin (1g), Kha’Zix (1g), Rek’Sai (2g), Cho’Gath (4g)
Reason for rank: You need to get three out of the four champions just to get this passive, and the only one really worth getting – Cho’Gath – won’t be available until way later levels. Even if you get the three champions needed, just getting armor reduction for your team is really only good against high-armor teams (like Nobles or Guardians).

9. Pirate

What it does: Randomly earn up to 1 – 4 additional gold every turn.
Requirement: Three (3) champions.
Eligible champions: Graves (1g), Pyke (2g), Gangplank (3g), Miss Fortune (5g)
Reason for rank: Pirates seem like a really good investment for the early game, but honestly there are ways to economize efficiently without relying on that random extra gold. Also, you can’t get the necessary three champions easily…yet. With the announcement that Twisted Fate will be joining Teamfight Tactics and him presumably having a Pirate Origin, if he’s low cost getting Pirates off the bat could be slightly better.