League of Legends champion profile: Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Death Blossom Kha'Zix. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

Ability Description

"Passive  ISOLATION: Kha’Zix marks all enemy units who don’t have any of their allies nearby as Isolated. Kha’Zix’s abilities have special interactions against Isolated targets. UNSEEN THREAT: Kha’Zix gains Unseen Threat when the enemy team loses sight of him, causing his next basic attack against an enemy champion to deal 14 − 150 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) bonus magic damage and slow them by 25% for 2 seconds."

Kha’Zix has a passive with two parts, Isolation and Unseen Threat, which can work together or independently. Isolation is the easiest to understand; every time Kha’Zix encounters a champion that is Isolated (at least 425 units from an ally) his abilities will have an added effect.

On the other hand, Unseen Threat gives Kha’Zix bonus damage on champions when they do not have vision of him. That means if he dips into brush that is unwarded, moves into the fog of war, or goes invisible, his passive will come back up (it has no cooldown so it can be procced over and over).

"Q – Taste their Fear Kha’Zix slashes the target enemy, dealing physical damage, increased by 100% against Isolated targets. EVOLVED REAPER CLAWS: Kha’Zix gains 50 bonus range on his basic attacks and Q – Taste Their Fear. If the target is Isolated, 45% of the cooldown is refunded."

His Q is a single target damage nuke, doing bonus damage that is doubled against champions that are Isolated, making this quite deadly when used in combination with both parts of his passive. As to the second part, once Kha’Zix evolves his Q (more on that in a bit) it adds another passive of bonus attack range and cooldown refund on Isolated targets.

This cooldown refund is the reason that most of the time you will want to evolve your Q first. Getting off that bonus damage against Isolated targets more often can help nuke a champion quickly.

"W – Void Spikes Kha’Zix fires a cluster of spikes in a line that detonates upon hitting an enemy dealing them physical damage. Kha’Zix heals himself if he is within detonation radius. EVOLVED SPIKE RACKS: Void Spike fires three clusters in a cone, slows by 60% and grants sight of enemy champions hit for 2 seconds. Multiple explosions do not deal extra damage to the same target or provide Kha’Zix with additional healing. Isolated targets hit by Evolved Void Spike are slowed by 90% instead."

This tends to be Kha’Zix’s bread-and-butter ability when it comes to sustaining through his jungle clear and for slowing down his prey. However, you do not get any bonus towards Isolated targets until it is evolved.

When evolved, the Void Spikes will do AoE damage in a cone in front of him with a slow and granting vision. However, if the target is isolated that slow is amplified to a bonkers 90%. Because the evolution doesn’t give him a lot of dueling power, you’ll tend to only evolve it when you really need AoE damage for team fights or are in desperate need of wave clear.

"E  – Leap  Kha’Zix leaps to the target location, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies upon landing. EVOLVED WINGS: Leap gains increased range and its cooldown is reset on enemy champion takedowns."

Kha’Zix’s big gap closer/escape tool is his Leap, which enables him to easily traverse the jungle and find creative angles to gank from. It’s fairly one-dimensional, with no additional interaction with Isolated targets. However, when evolved, Leap can be incredibly helpful to Kha’Zix, as it not only increases the range of his jump massively, but it also gives him resets and more jumps on kills and assists, making him very slippery in fights.

"R – Void Assault PASSIVE: Each rank in Void Assault allows Kha’Zix to evolve one of his abilities, granting it additional effects. ACTIVE: Kha’Zix enters Twilight Shroud  for 1.25 seconds, gaining 40% bonus movement speed, and ghosting while stealthed. After 2 seconds of leaving Twilight Shroud, and for the next 10 seconds, Void Assault can be cast a second time at no additional cost. EVOLVED ADAPTIVE CLOAKING: Increases the Twilight Shroud old2 invisibility duration to 2 seconds, and can be cast up to 3 times."

For those who were wondering how Kha’Zix’s evolutions work, here’s the answer. Every time you level up your R – Void Assault, you’ll also get an option to evolve one of your abilities (and yes, your R can also be evolved). This means, if you reach max level in a game, you can evolve three abilities and if you’re in a game against Rengar and win “The Hunt” you’ll gain one more evolution!

As to the ability itself, this is a stealth which gives Kha’Zix a quick movement boost that is perfect for navigating around engagements. It also procs your Unseen Threat passive so you can get off that bonus damage more often without needing a brush nearby. You can activate it twice (three times with an evolved R) so if you use it smartly you can dodge a lot of damage and maximize your own damage output.

Types of Scaling

Passive – bonus AD
Q – bonus AD
W (damage) – bonus AD
W (heal) – AP
E – bonus AD
R – none

Crowd control

Slow on his passive (Unseen Threat)
Slow on his W