League of Legends champion profile: Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

Lanes Kha’Zix players love

  • Ivern: The Friend of the Forest is going to find no friends in your jungle. You can win every 1v1 and 2v2 that the Jolly Green Giant can throw your way, just wait out his shield and nuke him with your damage. And when he drops a brush to get the range on his auto attacks, be sure to give him a thank you in all chat for allowing you another spot to proc your passive.
  • Olaf: With Olaf’s run-you-down playstyle, Kha’Zix can very easily outplay and kite him with E – Leap. In the early stages of the game, most Olafs will intentionally run their health low during the first clear (to increase their clear speed), which makes him an easy target to invade and kill. In the later stages of the game, Olaf’s ut is basically worthless against you and as long as you dodge his axes you’ll be able to win any 1v1 with ease as long as he’s not massively ahead.
  • Fiddlesticks: In the battle of “single target damage” vs. “single target damage” Kha’Zix wins with ease. Yes, Fiddle can kite you with is fear and silence, but once you actually get on him you’ll burst him down before he can drain tank you.

Lanes Kha’Zix players hate

  • Elise: One of the premiere early-game junglers, Elise has the burst, CC, and mobility to actually beat Kha’Zix early on. Her spiderlings also nullify your Isolation passive, meaning that just about every fight against her is weighted against you.
  • Rek’Sai: Your Void Queen won’t take kindly to fighting you. Considering how slippery Rek’Sai is, how she can knock you up with CC, and how she can do tons of damage before you get your evolutions, she’s one who can easily turn fights on you.
  • Udyr: He’s the king of 1v1s in the early game with his Bear Stance and Tiger Stance stunning you to do tons of damage. Plus, he’ll basically build full tank and still be able to split push and duel you later in the game unless you get massively ahead.

Tips for playing Kha’Zix

  • Both W – Void Spike and R – Void Assault can be buffered while in the middle of your E – Leap. This means that you can cast these abilities slightly before landing to get the abilities off quicker. You can also use item actives (Tiamat, Yommus Ghostblade, etc.) during your Leap.
  • To improve your clear, try to isolate the small jungle monsters while clearing so that you will deal bonus isolation damage to the large monster with your Q – Taste Their Fear. In addition, you can use your Q as an auto attack reset (so you would auto > Q > auto for max damage).
  • R – Void Assault can be used to delay or cancel targeted abilities that require the enemy to have vision of you, like Darius ult, Garen ult, or Skarner ult.

Tips for playing against Kha’Zix

  • Pretty obvious tips but they must be said: don’t take trades against Kha when he is next to unwarded brush (because he can re-proc his passive over and over) or when you’re alone. Your best bet to fight Kha’Zix is in the middle of the lane with teammates around him.
  • If you’re getting ganked by a Kha’Zix, play inside your minion wave so that he doesn’t get the Isolation bonus damage.
  • As with all assassins, Kha’Zix is massively susceptible to crowd control. As long as your team has a good front line to defend your carries, Kha’Zix is fairly neutered.

Champion Difficulty: 7/10

Kha’Zix has a lot of versatility to his kit with how he can be played. By evolving different skills, you can tailor the way you’re going to play to each game along with adjusting your builds.

However, like most assassins, Kha’Zix is very feast or famine. Get ahead with him early and you can hard-carry games, but fall behind early and you’re almost completely useless. Knowing how to efficiently path through your jungle, choose your ganks carefully, and gank effectively without hard CC will be crucial to your ability to climb on Kha’Zix.

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Next. Sivir champion profile. dark

Got any tips for players who are looking to learn Kha’Zix? Leave them for us in the comments!in the comments!