League of Legends Patch 9.14 breakdown – Teamfight Tactics edition

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Teamfight Tactics Gameplay. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /



"Mana burn chance: 40/60/80% ⇒ 25/50/85%"

Worse early, but better only if you get six Demons makes an already underwhelming Origin even less attractive. That said, getting to a six Demon comp with Brand, Evelynn, Morgana, Swain, Varus, and Aatrox won’t feel too bad. It’s just that prior to getting there having Demons does way less.


"Average gold per chest: 2 ⇒ 1.6"

An already underwhelming Origin is getting nerfed. Probably, it’s to keep people from artificially inflating their gold early (Graves, GP, and now TF can all be bought for 2g or less), but ultimately this is more and more a synergy that you don’t want to hard invest in.


"Attack speed per stack: 7% ⇒ 8%"

Wild was probably the best Origin (along with Knights) to max early game and then scale into late game. Buffing it probably means that the previously-mentioned changes to attack speed calculations are going to hit Wild champions a bit harder than average, so they’ll get the synergy buffed to compensate.



"Golem health: 3000 ⇒ 2500 Golem Attack damage: 200 ⇒ 100"

Wholeheartedly agree with these changes. The Golem should function more as a pseudo-frontline than an actual damage threat. The health nerf might be a touch too hard, but for right now this seems to bring Elementalists more in line with other Classes.


"Armor buff: Stacks up to 2 times ⇒ Stacks any number of times"

Not exactly sure how this change will work, considering there are only two Guardians in Teamfight Tactics. Perhaps if you run three Guardians (two Leonas and a Braum) this would have an impact to give 120 armor to nearby allies rather than just 80 now, but that comp seems quite inefficient.


"Improved visualization of Gunslinger AoE attacks Fixed some bugs where Gunslinger extra attacks could fail to fire at high attack speeds Extra Units Hit: 1/all ⇒ 1/2"

A couple of bugfixes, but the changes to the highest synergy is really huge. Considering how bad Tristana, Graves, and Gangplank are (for now), it’s probably almost never worth running four Gunslingers unless you’re running a Pirate comp for some reason (GP, Graves, Lucian, MF, and another Pirate.


"Bugfix: Shapeshifters will now gain the correct amount of health when they transform, previously they would fail to take into account the health they gained from their star level. Transform health gain: 100% ⇒ 60%"

Shapeshifters were overall just too good as a Class in Teamfight Tactics, so getting that transform gain nerfed is definitely a solid change.