League of Legends Flame Friday: dear Yasuo players

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Odyssey Yasuo. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

"Dear Yasuo, Oh hi, it’s me your mid/top laner. Or at least, the guy that got assigned mid/top in champion select. But here I am, playing jungle/support because you threatened to troll the game if someone didn’t give you your preferred role. It’s all good man, don’t worry. With a name like “xxxYasDaddyxxx” I was more than happy to give up my preferred role so I could play a role I have about ten games played this season. I don’t even have to go to your OP.GG to see that with you on Yasuo there is no possible way our team could lose! But I did just want to say one thing: I’m watching you. You see, you took my role, which is a violation of the Summoner’s Code. You threatened to troll, AFK, whatever in lobby, so I gave in to your threat because I’d already dodged twice today to other a-holes flaming when their Zed/Riven/Master Yi/Vayne got banned. So I gave you what you wanted. And it is all on you YasDaddy. You cried and threatened to get your role and champion so you had better carry. I don’t want to hear any of this crap about “my sucky teammates” after you said, and I quote, “I’m a smurf, give me Yasuo and it’s free win.” I’m not expecting you to just play well, I’m expecting you to dumpster your lane, take tower in about seven minutes, start roaming to snowball other lanes, perform some sick E>flash>Q>ult plays. I’m expecting to turn on Yassuo’s stream and be able to wave to everyone in chat as I sit back and enjoy this free LP. Win or lose in this game, however bad I or my teammates do, however much everyone else flames or trolls, even if all the other three players on our team disconnect, I’m focused on you. Because you promised a carry performance and held our champ select hostage to get it. Now, I’m holding you hostage with the promise that if you don’t carry I will not only report you, I’ll open a ticket with Riot support, I’ll bake cookies for Riot employees, I will do whatever it takes to get you banned! I will– Wait, what was that sound? The sound of you getting first-blooded? I’m just gonna go ahead and mute you right now, sit back, and watch the show. Sincerely, Your teammate"

"Dear Yasuo, It’s me, one of your teammates. Listen, I just wanted to say don’t get mad at me for our team not having any knock-ups for you to use to combo your ult off of. Yes, I heard your points in the pre-game lobby about how I played 12 games of Wukong jungle in Season 4. I’m sure our mid laner thought long and hard about playing full AP Malphite as you so gently suggested. It probably is “sleeper OP” as you claimed. But, at the end of the day, we aren’t going to completely change our preferred champion pools. This is a ranked game and we all want to win. Our best chance of winning is to not only pick champions that form a strong team, compositionally, but to also pick the champions that we as players are most comfortable playing. So, maybe next time don’t go into the game expecting for four players to change their strategies to suit one player. It comes off as kind of selfish. Regards, Your teammate P.S. I’m sure you, a Master smurf, know this but a top like Darius or Renekton would have actually been much better than Yasuo in this spot."