League of Legends Patch 9.15 breakdown – Summoner’s Rift edition

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Lissandra, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /


"Base Stats Health: 518 -> 550. Health Growth: 87 -> 90. R – Frozen Tomb Damage Ratio: 60% Ability Power -> 75% Ability Power."

After two gruelling months of Lissandra after Lissandra in the middle lane, we finally got rid of her after Patch 9.11. Now… After these buffs… She’s still pretty garbage to be fair.

But she’s almost on her way back. Earlier in 2019, Lissandra was picked due to her wave clear, ability to control the mid lane, and utility in teamfights. Once her wave clear was heavily nerfed, she disappeared from pro play and has since fallen to an abysmal 46.14% win rate.

While these buffs definitely help push her in the right direction, they’re not enough to bring her back into the meta as damage isn’t what Lissandra needs. At present she simply gets out-pushed by opposing laners and has no priority in the middle lane. We should see the Ice Witch’s win rate increase by a few percent, but nothing more on Patch 9.15.


"R – The Culling Base Damage: 20/35/50 per shot -> 20/40/60 per shot."

Finally, a useful buff. Lucian is always out of favour in the meta because he falls off in the late game when compared to longer-range crit AD Carries. While this definitely won’t solve that issue, it will mean he can compete a bit more in the late game and can be considered when it comes to the bottom lane pool.


"Q – Seismic Shard Slow: 15/20/25/30/35% -> 20/25/30/35/40%. W – Thunderclap Base Cleave Damage: 20/35/50/65/80 -> 30/45/60/75/90."

These buffs, combined with Malphite’s 9.14 buffs, could amount to a pretty decent option in the top lane. Although he is completely one-dimensional and only useful for a single ability, at leas this will make his path to teamfights a lot smoother. Having a stronger laning phase and being able to compete with opposing laners is the only thing stopping Malphite from dominating skirmishes and teamfights with the press of a single button, so this could be scary and something to look out for on Patch 9.15.


"W – Steadfast Presence Movement Speed: 35% -> 40%."

Another buff to compliment Patch 9.14 buffs. Poppy currently sits at a 49.35% win rate in solo queue and occasionally shows her face in pro play, buffing her now is a sure-fire way to ensure she ends up in and around the meta for playoffs and Worlds. Fortunately, this small movement speed buff on her W – Steadfast Presence is unlikely to shoot her up to the top tier of top laners but will definitely add her to every top laners pool for Patch 9.15.


"E – Audacity Damage Range: Now only damages targets if within 250 range at the end of the dash. R – Supreme Display of Talent Cooldown: 100 seconds -> 120/100/80 seconds."

The E bugfix is excellent and should make Qiyana less annoying to play against. As for the nerf to R, it’s a welcome one. Despite the fact that Qiyana is never really using her ult off cooldown and instead saving it for skirmishes, this should at least make the delay between each ult a little bit longer and more manageable in lane.

Obviously after level 11, this nerf is irrelevant, but it should do a job in slightly reducing her current pro play presence (38%) for Patch 9.15.