League of Legends Patch 9.15 tier list – support edition

League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Janna. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

New Additions


I know, it’s crazy, but apparently, Shaco support has been a thing for a little while now. Currently, he has a 49.3% win rate in this role with just under a 0.6% pick rate. Please don’t pick Shaco support in my ranked games people, it’s really not good.

New subtractions

Miss Fortune

Two champs who were in the F tier in Patch 9.14 and hadn’t made one of our tier list aggregations in ten patches. I don’t think many will miss them here.

Rising Champions

Janna (A to A+ tier)

Janna actually saw her win rate fall from the last patch, but she still sits at a comfortable 52.8% win rate currently.

Bard (A to A+ tier)

After getting some nice buffs in 9.14 Bard is climbing the aggregated rankings. Currently holding the second-best win rate among supports (53.4%) he’s certainly in a strong spot after the buffs.

Rakan (A to A+ tier)

Rakan’s win rate saw a major inflection upward in this patch, improving by almost 1%. Considering his pick rate has also been increasing over the last few patches (currently almost at 6%) the increase to his win rate suggests he’s getting picked a lot because of his perceived strength.

Soraka (B+ to A tier)
Sona (B to B+ tier)

Sona dropped down to B tier following that nerf she got in Patch 9.13. She’s managed to rebound in 9.15, but her win rate is still quite weak (just above 50%).

Falling Champions

Nautilus (S to A+ tier)

His win rate actually fell massively relative to other supports on the new patch. A 50.1% win rate doesn’t seem too bad, but it ranks 20th among support champions.

Morgana (A+ to A tier)

Even though it looked like Morgana was starting to take a turn for the better, her win rate dropped back to where it was in Patches 9.11 to 9.13. Surprisingly, though, she is rated lower this patch than she has been at any point since the start of Season 9.

Zilean (A to B+ tier)

This initially seems like a correction of Zilean’s ranking, but he has ping-ponged between B+ and A+ tier for the entire season. It seems like his ranking is going to continue to fluctuate even though his win rate tends to be solidly between 51 and 52%.

Blitzcrank (A to B+ tier)

This is pretty shocking, since Blitzcrank just got that buff in 9.14 giving him the shield-negating ability on his ultimate. However, I will note that before the buff Blitz was ranked much lower than he is now and his win rate has remained stable from last patch. I think this is probably a case of people overestimating his power last patch and now bringing him a bit closer to his true rank.

Yuumi (A to B+ tier)

Yuumi just got nerfs in 9.14, so it’s not surprising that she fell in our rankings (especially given that she actually rose in the tier list that same patch she was nerfed). That said, both her win rate and pick rate have remained relatively stable in 9.15, so if you thought she was strong last patch you’ll probably still think she’s good in this one.

Lux (A to B+ tier)

Lux also got nerfs in 9.14, but unlike Yuumi, those nerfs pushed her down the tier list last patch. Unfortunately, her standing has continued to slide as she sits with a 47.4% win rate in the support lane, a far cry from when she was the winningest support in League of Legends.

Fiddlesticks (A to B tier)

No changes to Fiddle himself, but his win rate actually dropped to 50.1% this patch, down 1.4% from 9.14. One possible reason could be the increasing presence of Bard, who is one of his biggest counters in the support role.

Karma (A to C tier)
Leona (B+ to D tier)

In complete contrast to some champions we just discussed, Leona was buffed in 9.13. Those buffs seemed to work, giving her a boost in her win rate and rankings, but now she’s actually ranked lower than she was before the buffs. This is in spite of her win rate remaining strong (third best for supports at 52.3%) so I think she is getting underrated by a lot of sites here.

Braum (C to D tier)

This is a correction change. Braum has been a D tier pick for several patches before clawing his way into the C tier in 9.14. The D tier is probably an appropriate ranking and was last week.

Volibear (D to F tier)

Say goodbye to our good friend Volibear guys. I’m sure Life will still be ready to pull him out if need be.

Buffed champions


The buff to her W – Steadfast Presence movement speed was certainly targeted at top lane, but it did have the effect of bringing Poppy into the support role. Her pick rate (0.75%) is the highest it’s been in five patches with a win rate just over 50%.


Obviously, as noted above, the buff to her Q – Starcall‘s base damage (along with the bugfix to her R – Wish) brought her ranking up. Soraka also got a massive boost to her win rate, over 2%, to 52.1% in the current patch.

Nerfed champions


Karma got a pretty hefty nerf – her fourth buff or nerf in the past four patches – to her Empowered E – Defiance‘s shield and it hurt. In our rankings, she fell from A to C tier. Even though her win rate is about the same as it was since 9.13, she seems to have really suffered in this patch.

Next. Patch 9.15 notes breakdown. dark

What are your thoughts on our Patch 9.15 support list? Let us know who you’re going to be playing in the comments below!