#4: Ruthless Pantheon

From the dawn of time, true men have always known that Ruthless Pantheon is one of his better skins. The rework does little to affect this – Ruthless Pantheon is still rockin’ a killer bod, complete with the largest thighs you’ve ever seen on a League of Legends champion.
However, it’s the skin’s theme that really sets it apart. The Mad Max-style garb, complete with a cobbled-together shield and spear, makes Ruthless Pantheon stand out from his other skins. The lack of particles means that it can’t place higher than fourth, however.
#3: Baker Pantheon

It’s a bit of a dated reference now that Pantheon doesn’t reference wanting to bake in his joke animation, but Baker Pantheon is still an incredible skin. It synergizes with his new joke perfectly, and comes with plenty of delightfully disgusting butter-splat sounds while he fights. Plus, the shower of bread rolls that rains around Pantheon when he casts Grand Starfall is a neat touch that makes Baker an excellent skin.
#2: Zombie Slayer Pantheon

Zombie Slayer was already one of Pantheon’s best skins, and the rework has only made it better. A sweet barricade-like particle effect on the E, in addition to plenty of chainsaw sounds, really helps this skin sell the zombie-slaying angle and make it stand out. All that, combined with the amazing model, makes Zombie Slayer Pantheon one of his best – but it still gets beaten out for the top spot.
#1: Dragonslayer Pantheon

This really shouldn’t be a surprise. Dragonslayer Pantheon was his best skin before the rework, and the rework has only made it better. A great model, killer splash, and fantastic particle effects already get it placed in the top four, but it’s really the new ultimate animation that sells Dragonslayer. Rocketing out of the sky with a ferocious roar and dragon wings is sure to absolutely terrify players when Pantheon’s rework hits the Rift, and that alone is enough to guarantee it the top spot.
Let us know which Pantheon skins are your favorite in the comments or on Twitter!