League of Legends Patch 9.16 mid lane tier list aggregation – is Kassadin OP?

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Aatrox, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

New Additions


New subtractions


Perpetually an off-meta pick, even with the recent buffs in Patch 9.16 mid lane Nocturne has returned to the darkness.


Quite surprising given how powerful Karthus has been as a jungle pick throughout the season. Unfortunately, the repeated nerfs have just driven him out of the mid lane meta in 9.16.

Rising Champions

Zed (A+ to S tier)

He fell out of the S tier last patch, so we can call that an aberration considering he now will have been an S tier pick for 12 of the last 13 patches in our tier list aggregations.

Kassadin (B+ to A tier)
Aatrox (D to B tier)

Although his win rate actually dropped by 1% in Patch 9.16, he’s seen his play rate rise. One big reason is that he seems to do phenomenally into this patch’s flavor of the month pick – Tristana – and the recently buffed Kassadin. In addition, Aatrox was previously in this B range a few patches ago, so this is more likely a rebound rise than anything.

Ziggs (F to D tier)

Falling Champions

Zoe (B+ to B tier)

Zoe has yo-yo’ed between the A/B+/B tiers for several patches now and her win rate has actually been rising of late (1% over the last five patches). She could easily rebound next patch but stay somewhere in that A/B range.

Morgana (B+ to C tier)

Her pick rate has fallen to the point that she’s no longer listed as a mid laner in OP.GG (which is primarily what we use to judge win rates) which makes me think this drop is not unwarranted. The question is, though, whether her pick rate will rebound. Given that she’s consistently been a B+ or above pick in the mid lane since her rework, I’d guess it will.

Sylas (B+ to C tier)

Sylas had a brief rebound to his standing coinciding with his win rate rise. That seems to have tapered off in Patch 9.16 as his win rate dropped from 49% to 48% in a single patch.