League of Legends Champion Profile: Sejuani, Fury of the North

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Bear Cavalry Sejuani, League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

Ability Description

"Passive – Fury of the North Frost Armor: Sejuani receives Frost Armor if she hasn’t taken damage from large monsters and enemy champions in the last 12 seconds. Frost Armor engulfs Bristle in True Ice, becoming immune to slows and gaining bonus armor and bonus magic resistance. Icebreaker: Enemies stunned by Sejuani are Frozen. Sejuani’s basic attacks and abilities against Frozen enemies consume the effect to deal a percentage of their maximum health as bonus magic damage."

Sejuani’s passive, Fury of the North, is the reason why she is so difficult to punish in the early game. Having bonus armor and magic resistance for a few seconds whenever attacked creates a small buffer for Sejuani to avoid enemy invades or request reinforcements. Frost Armor could best be described as Sejuani’s own personal Aftershock, which is ironic considering she takes that keystone herself, doubling the level of resistances whenever she applies crowd control.

Icebreaker, the second half of the passive, is the main source of Sejuani’s jungle clear and damage against enemy champions throughout the game. Obviously tanks shouldn’t be able to deal huge amounts of damage at any stage of the game, but if you were to allow Sejuani to get two procs of her passive off, then you’re in trouble.

"Q – Arctic Assault Active: Sejuani signals Bristle to dash, dealing magic damage and knocking up all enemies hit. The charge will prematurely end upon colliding with an enemy champion."

A gap closer, an escape, and crowd control all rolled into one; it’s no wonder that Sejuani is such a popular pick when her first ability is so versatile. If caught out in the jungle, Sejuani can simply Arctic Assault over a wall to prevent any further damage. If looking to gank, Bristle can charge towards fleeing enemies to knock up or reduce the space in order to land other abilities.

"W – Winter’s Wrath Active: Sejuani swings her flail in a cone dealing physical damage to all enemies hit and knocking back minions and monsters. She then lashes out with her flail in a straight line dealing physical damage and slowing all enemies hit. Sejuani can move freely during Winter’s Wrath."

Another maximum health damage dealer, Sejuani’s W is key to her damage output, particularly when combined with Icebreaker. A quick Q – Arctic Assault and W – Winter’s Wrath combo is about all that’s needed to blow some flashes in the bottom lane, as if the knock up from Bristle isn’t enough, the slow provided by Sejuani’s flail is bound to set up a bunch of kills.

"E – Permafrost Passive: Winter’s Wrath and both Sejuani’s and nearby allied melee champion’s basic attacks apply Frost to enemy champions, minions, and monsters stacking up to 4 times. Active: If the targeted enemy has 4 stacks of Frost, Sejuani consumes all stacks to deal magic damage, knock them down, and stun them. Permafrost resets Sejuani’s basic attack timer."

Pair Sejuani up with a melee solo laner or melee support and create an easy gateway to a quick stun on an enemy target. Close the gap with Arctic Assault, then begin applying stacks of Permafrost for a simple stun that could lead to a kill. This ability is extremely useful in the early game for skirmishes, ganking, and clearing the jungle, but also has a huge impact in team fights for stuns on advancing enemy champions.

"R – Glacial Prison Active: Sejuani throws a True Ice bola stopping at the first enemy champion hit, dealing magic damage, knocking them down, and stunning them. The bola deals increased damage, stuns, and shatters upon reaching maximum range, creating a storm that slows enemies. At the end of the duration the storm shatters the ground, dealing the same damage and slowing enemies."

Sejuani’s ultimate Glacial Prison is one of the most game-impacting abilities in League of Legends. It’s massive range, ability to stun a single target for 1.5 seconds, and avenue into a team fight makes it one of the most utilised abilities in the game, whether it be in competitive or solo queue.

Not only is Glacial Prison the easiest way to start a team fight, it’s also useful for ganks or skirmishes in the early game, and without a Quicksilver Sash, enemy carries are going to fall immediately. Use it to find picks or kick off a team fight, especially around key objectives like Baron Nashor or Elemental Dragons.

Types of Scaling

Passive – Armor and Magic Resistance

Q – Ability Power

W – Ability Power and Health

E – Ability Power

R – Ability Power

Crowd Control

Knock Up on Q – Arctic Assault.

Slow on W – Winter’s Wrath.

Stun on E – Permafrost.

Stun and Slow on R – Glacial Prison.