League of Legends: Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.17 breakdown – Pantheon man drops onto the Arena

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Teamfight Tactics Gameplay. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /



"Increased the delay before Assassins jump so they can access the backline more often. (3) Trait Bonus: 125% Crit Damage ⇒ 75% Crit Damage & 10% Crit Chance (6) Trait Bonus: 350% Crit Damage ⇒ 150% Crit Damage & 25% Crit Chance"

So Riot says that this “rework” to the Assassin bonus was made to add consistency. However, Assassins still get hard countered by Phantom Dancer, they still have problems against players who position their carries appropriately by having tanks on their flanks, and now they’re losing one of the biggest appeals of their kit: the ability to one-shot a carry if they can get onto them and RNGesus smiles on you. Expect to see even fewer Assassins in 9.17.


"Double Attack Speed chance: 25%/65% ⇒ 30% /70%"

Rangers have been outmatched by Gunslingers for a while, but I’m glad Riot is taking a conservative approach after how strong they were after Teamfight Tactics’s release. With the attack speed cap going up, this might allow Rangers to stand up to the other major DPS option.



"Item disable duration: 8 seconds ⇒ 7 seconds"

I personally think the disable duration should just be what scales up. Make the EMP apply to all units, but make it scale 3/6/9 seconds based on how many Hextechs a player has. As it is, this synergy is still massively strong in the late game even after the nerf.


"Armor & Magic Resist: 60 ⇒ 50 Healing: 35 ⇒ 25"

Unsurprising that the Noble buff got a nerf. It was consistently one of the strongest opens in the game and scaled incredibly well. It’s still probably not bad as an opening synergy to get, but it scales worse.


"Dodge chance: 30%/55% ⇒ 35%/60%"

Yordles are one of those synergies that it’s always nice to get, but it never really feels like something to prioritize. Considering how few Yordles there are that scale well into the late game (maybe Veigar or Kennen) I still wouldn’t focus on building a Yordle comp unless just everyone else is going Gunslingers/Rangers primary. Also, people who build Yordles are just awful so I don’t want to encourage that.