League of Legends: Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.17 tier list – Pantheon drops in

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Furyhorn. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

Tier 1 champions (previous rank)

  1. Garen (1)
  2. Kha’Zix (3)
  3. Darius (5)
  4. Kassadin (6)
  5. Vayne (7)
  6. Tristana (2)
  7. Nidalee (4)
  8. Warwick (10)
  9. Camille (8)
  10. Fiora (13)
  11. Elise (11)
  12. Graves (9)
  13. Mordekaiser


Early Gunslingers got hit massively even though the 9.17 nerfs only hit Graves. The itemization and healing changes might have also played an impact (given how well Graves synergized with Red Buff).

Tier 2 champions (previous rank)

  1. Lucian (2)
  2. Blitzcrank (1)
  3. Pyke (6)
  4. Varus (5)
  5. Lulu (8)
  6. Ahri (3)
  7. Zed (7)
  8. Braum (4)
  9. Jayce (9)
  10. Rek’Sai (10)
  11. Twisted Fate (11)
  12. Lissandra (13)
  13. Shen (12)


While Gunslingers might be doing worse, Nobles are still very much in a strong spot given the respect most sites are giving to Lucian. It’s also interesting to note that the bottom five of champions in this tier were largely unchanged, suggesting the champions themselves have weaknesses going beyond their synergies.

Tier 3 champions (previous rank)

  1. Kennen (4)
  2. Ashe (3)
  3. Shyvana (1)
  4. Vi (5)
  5. Morgana (7)
  6. Rengar (8)
  7. Volibear (2)
  8. Evelynn (11)
  9. Poppy (10)
  10. Veigar (6)
  11. Aatrox (9)
  12. Gangplank (12)
  13. Katarina (13)


Shyvana’s priority dropped pretty much because there are now two stronger Dragons (Pantheon and Sol) that can be paired to give the buff. Volibear dropped a lot in priority while the buffs to Evelynn definitely seemed to help her out.

Tier 4 champions (previous rank)

  1. Draven (1)
  2. Gnar (2)
  3. Sejuani (5)
  4. Brand (3)
  5. Kindred (6)
  6. Aurelion Sol (9)
  7. Akali (10)
  8. Jinx (7)
  9. Cho’Gath (4)
  10. Leona (8)


Cho’Gath also dropping heavily seems to indicate that Brawlers might not be as high a priority in Patch 9.17. Also, Akali seems to be benefiting heavily from the Assassin changes.

Tier 5 champions (previous rank)

  1. Swain (1)
  2. Kayle (3)
  3. Yasuo (4)
  4. Pantheon (NR)
  5. Anivia (5)
  6. Karthus (2)
  7. Miss Fortune (6)


Pantheon slotted in at a fairly decent spot for a 5g champion to start. Not much else changed other than Karthus plummeting down in our rankings.

Tier list

S tier: Draven, Gnar, Swain
A+ tier: Sejuani, Kayle, Brand, Kindred, Aurelion Sol, Yasuo, Lucian
A tier: Kennen, Garen, Pantheon, Anivia, Akali, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Shyvana
B+ tier: Pyke, Jinx, Karthus, Cho’Gath,
B tier: Varus, Vi, Morgana, Lulu, Rengar, Ahri
C tier: Volibear, Kha’Zix, Darius, Kassadin, Leona, Vayne, Tristana, Miss Fortune, Zed, Evelynn, Nidalee, Braum, Jayce, Poppy, Veigar, Rek’Sai
D tier: Twisted Fate, Aatrox, Lissandra, Gangplank, Shen, Warwick
F tier: Camille, Fiora, Elise, Graves, Katarina, Mordekaiser