League of Legends: Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.19 breakdown – Sparring Gloves and Kai’Sa hit the arena

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Shyvana. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /



"(2) 83% Magic Reduction ⇒ 75% Magic Reduction"

Yeah, Dragons were stupid OP and probably still will be given how easy it is to fit them into just about any comp (any 6-unit comp can easily have Dragons added). They’ll still be hyper strong after this nerf, and I think they need to add more Dragons to TFT so that they can tone down the benefit you get from just two Dragons.


"Stun duration: 2sec ⇒ 1.5sec Stun chance: 20/30/45 ⇒ 20/33/50"

In my opinion, the stun should also scale as you add units, but I’m glad they’re making the stun lower overall if they’re going to increase the stun chance late.


"Attack Damage and Ability Power: 50/70 ⇒ 50/80"

Riot’s still trying to make Ninjas viable after the nerfs they got back in 9.15, but I don’t know that 10 extra bonus AD and AP is going to do the trick. Especially when most of the Ninjas (Zed and Shen) are struggling mightily.


"25 Heal on hit ⇒ 30 Heal on hit"

A slight revert to the Teamfight Tactics Patch 9.17 nerfs to their on-hit healing, I think Nobles are still pretty underwhelming. They can be fine early, but you definitely don’t want to build around them late.


"(2) One random void champion deals true damage this combat (4) All your void champions deal true damage this combat"

Very good change, making it similar to the Imperial buff. It will still be very good if you’re just running two Voids because there’s a 50/50 chance your “stronger” Void will get this buff, but it also gives some incentive to run 4 Voids.


"Dodge chance: 35%/60% ⇒ 30%/60%/90%"

The Yordle dodge trait is massively unfun to play against, so I’m all for it getting nerfed at the three combo level.



"(3) 75% Crit damage & 10% Crit chance / (6) 150% Crit damage & 25% Crit chance / (9) 225% Crit damage & 40% Crit chance ⇒ (3) 75% Crit damage & 10% Crit chance / (6) 150% Crit damage & 20% Crit chance / (9) 225% Crit damage & 30% Crit chance"

The tl;dr is Assassins got nerfed at 6/9 units, but they’re still as good at 3 units. I don’t think this really hurts Assassins since it doesn’t really ever make sense to run full Assassins in a game.


"Bonus Health: 60%/120% ⇒ 60%/100%"

Shapeshifters are massively strong, especially in the early to mid game, so nerfing the bonus health is needed and makes sense.


"Attack Speed: 30%/70% ⇒ 25%/70%"

Rangers have also been quite strong as a pairing. Going four Rangers is risky, though, so I’m glad Riot didn’t nerf the four-Ranger comps.