League of Legends: 10 things that we might see from the 10-year anniversary stream

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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KDA Abum Cover. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

7. League of Legends trading card game

More in the “rumored but seems solid” category, Riot appears set to release a digital trading card game along the lines of Hearthstone or MTG: Arena. Like the fighting game, this would open up League of Legends to a bigger player base outside of MOBAs and add to Riot’s repertoire of slower-paced strategy games.

8. League of Legends anime

Also just a rumor, but the report is that League of Legends is developing an anime set in the world of Runeterra! While the details are unknown, it might make sense for Riot to partner with Marvel (as they did for their comic series last year) and maybe distribute the series over Disney’s upcoming streaming service. Once again, this exposes the game to more people who don’t know it and gives Riot the chance to expand on the lore of the game.

 9. Improvements to the ranked experience

Again, this is just conjecture on my part, but given that Rio is announcing preseason changes to Summoner’s Rift, doesn’t it make sense that maybe they would also share some changes to the ranked experience as a whole. Season 9 has been derided as one of the worst seasons ever in terms of the quality of the games and matchmaking. Tonight could be an opportunity for Riot to announce that they are making some changes to the ranked system – particularly at the top of the ladder – for the better. The inclusion of everyone’s favorite Lee Sin cosplayer New001 makes it seem like there could be more to announce about Season 10 than just some jungle pathing changes.

10. New content and old faces

Are we getting more KDA-type content (or even just another KDA song)? Will there be new events similar to the popular Harrowing and Butcher’s Bridge events? Maybe we’ll get to see a new cinematic (the last one we saw was “Awaken,” which dropped back in January) or some fan-created content like the popular “Stick Figure Spotlight” series.

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There’s also a high likelihood that we’ll see some faces from League’s history appear on this live stream. Among those rumored/suspected to go are former caster Deman and former players like Voyboy. It’s also possible (probably likely) that we’ll get an appearance from Marc Merrill and Brandon Beck, the two co-creators of Riot Games and League of Legends!

The 10-year anniversary live stream begins at 5:30 EST / 11:30 CEST on Twitch.tv/riotgames.