League of Legends: 3 reasons AHQ will or won’t win Worlds

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Will AHQ surprise many at Worlds 2019 or let down their fans? Here are three reasons why they will or won’t win it all in the biggest League of Legends tournament of the year.

AHQ e-Sports Club will represent the LMS as their second seed for the 2019 League of Legends Worlds Championship. AHQ returns to Worlds after last making it in 2017 and still have a lot to prove. It’s time to breakdown both sides of the argument, but first, here’s how they can actually stun the Esports world by winning it all this year!

Why AHQ e-Sports Club will win Worlds

#1 Element of surprise

I feel like most teams don’t really know what AHQ can do, as they are kind of confusing to get a read on. Like in 2017, they went to Worlds, but in 2018 they almost got regulated after an eighth-place Summer Split finish.  Now they are back at Worlds after a Spring where they finished fourth in the regular Split, but third in the playoffs and a Summer Split where they finished second in both the regular split and playoffs. Which AHQ with show up the world may never know?

Since they seem to be operating as an unknown team I think AHQ can show up and surprise teams that underestimate them at Worlds, they just need a bunch of surprises in a piñata somewhere if they want to take care of business and win it all.

#2  Worlds experience

AHQ isn’t a Worlds rookie like many of this year’s teams are. AHQ is making its fifth trip to Worlds, after missing out on the 2018 Tournament. The results have been mixed however, with 2017, 2016 and 2014 the years they failed out in groups. 2015, however, was a solid run that saw them make quarterfinals before falling to SKT.

While they may not have the legacy as some of the teams attending Worlds alongside them AHQ is a solid team in their own right when it comes to getting to Worlds. Of course, the first step to winning Worlds is to get there and AHQ has done just that, they just need to keep climbing thanks to having been here before.

#3 No pressure, no expectations, no worries

AHQ isn’t a favorite to win it all, nor are they picked to underachieve like a lot of major region teams are picked to do so. The LMS teams as a whole aren’t expected to do anything, so it’s pretty much playing for any glory you can muster up. AHQ has the advantage of playing without any pressure to achieve based on region or favorite status. Making them more able to experiment with picks and try things to surprise the major region teams in groups. If they don’t pan out it isn’t like they lost anything, if they do they exceeded expectations they get noted for that. AHQ can just kick back have some fun and hope for the best.