League of Legends: 25 champions to dominate URF

League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Perseus Pantheon, League of Legends
League of Legends, courtesy of Riot Games /

19. Kled

It might seem odd to have a fighter like Kled on this list, but he is so cooldown-reliant in the early game that getting his Violent Tendencies up more often can easily let you snowball the game. Plus, remember that he can easily remount by hitting enemies with his Pocket Pistol, so good luck ever killing this ornery little guy.

18. Vel’Koz

Of course, immobile mages are going to thrive in URF and Vel’Koz is no exception. He’ll be able to throw out wave clear forever and get those Disintegration stacks on enemies constantly.

17. Lucian

Like Kai’Sa, Lucian is more of a spell-caster than a traditional “I auto-attack you to death” marksman. With no cooldowns or mana costs to worry about, Lucian will be dashing around lane constantly getting off those important second shots from his passive.

16. Ekko

It might seem surprising to have Ekko down this low, but honestly Ekko really only likes being able to spam Q and have his ult off cooldown more often. Yes, he can dash around like a bunny but he’s one of the less mobile assassins on this list.

15. Amumu

One of the highest-impact ults in the game, getting to spam it and his stun throughout the game takes the Sad Mummy from kind of meh to godly in URF. Make sure you go the full Chad build and stack nothing but AP items.

14. Irelia

Imagine being a Silver player, not knowing that you had to land your passive marks or kill a minion for your Q to reset. Now imagine that not mattering at all because your Q is never on cooldown. That’s new Irelia in URF, plus she comes with constant CC you’ll have to dodge.

13. Yuumi

She’ll poke you down with that annoying Q, dash from one ally to another, and you’ll never kill her. Plus she has all the healing and Zoomies! your team will ever need to never die in a fight.

12. Blitzcrank

Here’s a champion whose entire kit is built around a single ability that is gated by a massively long cooldown early. Now let’s take away that massively long cooldown. Just hit one hook and your enemy is probably getting blown up.

11. Pantheon

Forget the fact that he can now chuck spears to hit multiple members at will now. He has a point-and-click stun whenever he wants it plus the ability to block damage from a given direction whenever he wants. Yeah have fun dealing with that.