League of Legends: Patch 9.21 jungle tier list aggregation

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games. /
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Kayn. League of Legends.
League of Legends. Photo courtesy of Riot Games. /

New Additions


New subtractions


Rising Champions

Shaco (A ⇒ A+ tier)
Hecarim (B+ ⇒ A tier)
Kayn (B ⇒ A tier)
Nidalee (B ⇒ B+ tier)
Master Yi (B ⇒ B+ tier)
Warwick (C ⇒ B tier)
Kindred (C ⇒ B tier)
Rammus (D ⇒ C tier)
Ivern (D ⇒ C tier)

Falling Champions

Jarvan IV (A+ ⇒ A tier)
Elise (A+ ⇒ A tier)
Dr. Mundo (A ⇒ B+ tier)
Evelynn (A ⇒ B+ tier)
Olaf (A ⇒ B+ tier)
Rengar (B+ ⇒ B tier)
Xin Zhao (B+ ⇒ B tier)
Volibear (B ⇒ C tier)
Fiddlesticks (C ⇒ D tier)
Pantheon (C ⇒ D tier)


  • It’s quite shocking that Qiyana was not on our tier list for the last four patches, given that she’s been a fairly strong pro pick at Worlds since her release. In large part, this is because of her incredibly low win rate, currently 41.6%.
  • After four patches languishing in the F tier, Camille has finally dropped out of the jungle meta entirely. We’ll see if she returns, but if she does it is unlikely that she will be an even average pick.
  • Although Hecarim rose in our tier list, he actually had a substantial drop in his win rate. Similarly, Rengar and Xin Zhao fell in our tier list but actually had a significant rise in his win rate in Patch 9.21. I would caution putting a lot of stock into their changes in our tier list.
  • Rammus’s win rate had a substantial buff despite not receiving any nerfs, which brought him up into the C tier. His win rate is 50.1%, the first time it’s been over 50% in the last five patches, over a 1% increase from the last patch.
  • Evelynn did have a slight dip in her win rate (about 0.75%) which could explain her drop in our tier list. It’s not significant, but something to keep an eye on.
  • With a 52.7% win rate in Patch 9.21, Karthus is currently the winningest jungler, but he only has the 16th-highest pick rate. On the other side of the coin, Sylas has the lowest win rate of all junglers, with a 41.5% win rate and a 1% pick rate.

Next. Patch 9.21 breakdown. dark

Buffed champions


The extra damage to his Q – Reaping Slash (even though it was offset by a minor nerf to the bonus damage to monsters) has helped Kayn’s win rate and power level immensely. He’s up to a 50.5% win rate, the first time he’s had a win rate above 50% in the past five patches, and he’s in our A tier for the first time since Patch 9.16.

Master Yi

It was only a bugfix to his Passive – Double Strike that allowed it to apply stacks on Guinsoo’s Rageblade’s phantom hits but it actually proved to be pretty significant. Yi’s win rate rose by over 1.5% to just under 50% and he rose to the B+ tier. Modest changes, sure, but Yi’s definitely doing better in Patch 9.21.


While it might be tempting to try and hard-carry with Warwick following the damage buffs to his Q – Jaws of the Beast and W – Blood Hunt, it’s not quite so cut and dry. Yes, his win rate (51.4%) is up and is in the top 10 among junglers and his pick rate is up, but the sites we pulled data from are not quite convinced. He’s only in the B tier right now.

Nerfed champions


You’re joking if you think those nerfs to Shaco’s W – Jack In the Box duration did anything to hurt his standing in the jungle. His win rate is basically unchanged in Patch 9.21 (51.9%, slightly up from the last patch) and he rose into our A+ tier. Maybe it’s time to consider a different kind of nerf for Shaco, eh Riot?