League of Legends URF tier list 2019: OP champions in Ultra Rapid Fire

League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
League of Legends. Courtesy of Riot Games.
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Riot re-released classic URF to celebrate ten years of League of Legends this week! Here’s our tier list of the top champions for Ultra Rapid Fire!

League of Legends players from across the globe fell in love with Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) when it was first introduced in 2015. In fact, it was revealed that Riot had to limit how often URF was up and running because players would stop playing League altogether whenever URF was unavailable. So, to make the most of your time on the crazy, fast-paced game mode while it’s still out, take a look at our tier list!

According to Riot’s support page, URF will remain on the client until November 8th, giving you more than a week to enjoy the low cooldowns, full mana bars, and crazy attack speed buffs!

Here’s our tier list for the 2019 version of URF, check out the A and S tiers to find the most fun champions and those who can carry you to win after win.

Let’s start from the bottom (D tier) and work our way up to S+ tier:

D Tier

D: Azir, Gnar, Kled, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Nunu & Willump, Olaf, Rammus, Rek’Sai, Sejuani, Sion, Tahm Kench, Taric, Trundle, Yorick, Zilean.

D+: Anivia, Braum, Cho’Gath, Gangplank, Graves, Illaoi, Nasus, Neeko, Nidalee, Quinn, Shyvana, Singed, Sona, Soraka, Swain, Twisted Fate, Xerath.

Rammus (D Tier)
Locking down an enemy carry and forcing them to auto-attack them to death sounds fun in theory, but in reality, Rammus’ taunt does not last long enough to permanently CC a champion. Rolling around the map is fun and all, but if you want to lock someone down, go for Leona instead!

Xerath (D+ Tier)
Xerath out-ranges any mage with his Q and Ultimate, but after casting them he’s incredibly vulnerable to any champion in URF. No escape tools, no defensive tools, no thanks. Lux is a better option!